How to Haggle

In an earlier article, I talked about how haggling can save you big bucks. We saved more than $200 on a new refrigerator, for example. Here are some basic guidelines on how to haggle. Be Nice When haggling, I can’t emphasize enough the need to be pleasant and nice. You know the old saying about honey catching more bees than vinegar. It is true. Besides, you should be nice to whomever you interact with as you go about your day. But for haggling, this is especially important. After all, you are asking for something extra. Don’t go up to the … Continue reading

Maternity Care in the U.S.

The recent birth of the royal prince cost $15,000.  That sounds like a lot, right?  It is, but it’s only half the cost of a birth in America.  That’s right: the average price of a birth — in a normal hospital, not a luxury wing — in the U.S. is $30,000.  That makes us, according to an in-depth article by The New York Times, the nation that pays the most for maternity care.  Yet, we also have one of the highest infant mortality rates in the developed world.  It seems like these two things should counter one another, but in … Continue reading

How to Write a Great For Sale Ad on Craigslist: Pricing

Do you want to earn some money selling something on Craigslist? If so, you will need an eye catching post that will have your inbox filled with offers. Here are some tips that you can use to create a winning Craigslist ad. First, Do Your Research Because shoppers are looking for a bargain on Craigslist, you’ll need to make sure that you are priced correctly. If your item is the most expensive out of similar or the same item, your post will be passed over. Your price is evident right at the listing level before anyone even clicks your ad. … Continue reading

There is No Insurance Against “Bad Mothering”

Two adult children in Illinois are suing their mother for being a “bad mother”. This case does not involve instances of abuse or neglect. Sadly, since one cannot purchase malpractice insurance in the case they are sued by their children, this mom is going to be paying her court fees out of pocket. No one ever said that parenting would be easy. People make mistakes from time to time, and this includes parents. It is normal for a mother to have a moment or two when she wonders if she is a good mother or not. The answer to that … Continue reading

Outlet Store Shopping: How to Save

Outlet stores can be a great way to save on clothing, shoes, household goods, furniture and more with or without using coupons. When the warmer season arrives, many of us flock to the outskirts of towns and cities to do some outlet shopping and save money. But just like in a regular retail store, you can save a lot or you can spend a lot on your purchases, depending on how you shop. The outlet stores apply some tricks of the trade to get you to make purchases, and if you aren’t careful, that great bargain may not be so … Continue reading

The Most Negotiable Store Items

Did you know that pretty much anything is negotiable, even items in a regular retail store or Internet store? Yes it is true! Of course, some items are easier to haggle down than others. Here is your guide to the products that usually offer plenty of room for haggling. Get a great price on the things that you need and want. The easiest things to haggle for tend to be the big ticket items. That is because these products often have a large markup, giving sellers a healthy margin to bargain with. Since there is more wiggle room, you have … Continue reading

Scrapbook Steals

I would not say that I am the queen of frugal scrapbooking by any means, but I definitely like to find a good deal on scrapbooking stuff. Recently, I have started doing a lot of couponing for my groceries, and I am constantly thinking about how I can get cheap scrapbooking supplies as well. Garage Sales are a great resource! I have purchased many things from garage sales. One of the best finds was when I went to a garage sale of two sisters that lived together and were avid scrapbookers. You could tell by the amount of stuff they … Continue reading

Tips on haggling

Even the shy can haggle Before leaving Los Angeles, we were sure to spend an afternoon shopping the infamous Santee Alley. Santee Alley is in the Fashion District of downtown Los Angeles. There are thousands of clothing showrooms in the area, discount fabrics stores, and my favorite clothes and accessories. We were mostly doing back-to-homeschool shopping for my 13 year old daughter, as my son hates to shop, and the items were far too fashionable for old fogies as my husband and myself. Since my daughter was the one shopping I got her involved in the haggling process, which is … Continue reading

Tips for Craigslist 2

Last time I spoke a little bit about Craigslist and how it is a great resource for buying items for less than the normal retail cost. We did wind up buying a large wooden swingset this past weekend, thanks to Craigslist, and we have purchased several other items in the past this way. We have also sold some items on Craigslist, and it has been pretty worthwhile. Here are more tips for Craigslist, this time will concentrate on using it to get rid of your unwanted items. Put up good inventory and be honest. While it has been my experience … Continue reading

Living without Credit Cards

It has been several years since I have used a credit card. It started after a long period of unemployment for my husband when we were just maxed out and I could not use them. As time went on and our situation loosened, I never really saw the need to begin using them again. If I wanted something, I used cash, (or a debit card), and never relied on money I didn’t have to buy anything. When I traveled to Los Angelos from GA last summer, I thought I was going to use credit to survive on my trip. I … Continue reading