Saving Money on Beauty Products

You might think that you have to spend a lot of money to look beautiful, keep away the zits or the wrinkles, get the latest trends in makeup or just looked polished and professional. The truth is that the more you know, the less you have to spend, so you can save a lot on beauty products. Beauty Specialty Stores Beauty speciality stores, such as Ulta, Sephora and Bath and Body Works tend to be very generous with samples. Sometimes you’ll find baskets of freebies there on the counter, other times you may have to ask. Either way, a visit … Continue reading

Save Money through Repurposing

Everyone is looking to save money these days. We tend to not be so quick to throw something out because you just never know when it might come in handy. Well let me introduce you to the idea of repurposing, which is similar to recycling. The difference is that you are extending the life of something and finding a new way to use it. This sometimes requires making some changes to the item, such as cleaning or painting it. Other times you are using it in its original form, however, in a brand new way. Think of it this way. … Continue reading

How to Make Money with Your Basement

If you have a basement in your home, why not turn it into a money maker? Make money with your basement that you can use to pay down your mortgage or as an extra source of income. First start with a clean basement. This is usually the hardest part. Most people have basements that are filled with lots of stuff. Take everything out and either find new homes for it in other parts of your house or get rid of it (which is an extra money-making opportunity right there). Clean the area thoroughly. Now it is time to make some … Continue reading

How to Use Pinterest to Save Money

What is Pinterest? Pinterest is a place where all sorts of great information is organized. It is a sort of an online bulletin board, where members can “pin” their favorite websites and ideas. Pinterest is fast becoming the new way to network, and some of my friends say that they spend more time on this site than they do on any other, including Facebook. Why not take advantage of everything that Pinterest to save some money and learn some new things about being frugal? How Can I Join Pinterest? Pinterest is free to use and free to browse. You can … Continue reading

8 Frugal Ideas for the Easter Basket

Pack those Easter baskets for less this year. Here is a list of frugal ideas you can use. Homemade Treats How about some easy-to-make homemade peanut butter cups or bunny-shaped homemade chewy granola bars. These recipes and more can easily be found on Pinterest. Homemade treats are not only less expensive, but they are also free from all of the chemicals that store-bought treats have. Coloring Books Coloring books are so inexpensive, and there are many Easter themed ones out there. The provide a nice foundation for any Easter basket and can be had for a dollar or less. Stuffed … Continue reading

4 Frugal and Free Easter Goodies for the Kids

Celebrate Easter and thrill your little ones all while still staying frugal. Like so many frugal practices, it not about doing without but in how you go about getting what you need. Even the Easter Bunny is tightening its belt these days, it seems. Here is some advice that will keep the Easter bunny on track no matter how many little ones he has to deliver to. Baskets If you don’t already have the baskets you need around your home, just get creative. An inexpensive sand bucket usually costs less than an Easter Basket and is a bonus toy that … Continue reading

Are Extreme Cheapskates Dangerous?

The thought of spending precious hours going into restaurants with the sole intention of trying to sneakily place my hands between the cushions of a booth to fish out change and then repeat it, booth by booth and restaurant by restaurant, is almost enough to make me want to go out spend money to prove that I have nothing to do with this new face of frugality. If that wasn’t enough to do it, asking other diners for their leftovers is. There are some things that I can applaud on the Show Extreme Cheapskates, such as biking instead of using … Continue reading

Tax Savings You May Not Be Using

Do you want to increase your income this year? Take a look at your taxes. You just may be able to get some money with the following strategies. Amend Past Returns One year, we found out that we hadn’t got tax credits for our youngest child. We went back and amended our tax returns from two years prior, leaving us with a nice bit of extra return. Check over your past returns to see what credits and deductions that you might have missed. Common items that are overlooked include business milage, charitable contributions, home use for business purposes, child care … Continue reading

Extreme Cheapskates on TLC

Have you watched that TLC show, “Extreme Cheapskates?” There is a lot you can learn about frugal living from it, but the question is, how much of it is good? TLC is an extreme phase. “Extreme Couponers” was doing well, and now they need to turn the shock value up a little more. As the producers of an exploitative show such as “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo,” this shouldn’t be a surprise. You know that you are mostly going to get played for entertainment and not actually learn much anything on The Learning Channel. Oh maybe there will be a … Continue reading

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know

If you have not ventured on to Pinterest, what are you waiting for? Or maybe, stay away, you’ll get sucked in and never leave. I feel both ways about Pinterest. When I have a tough cleaning job, I turn to Pinterest. Dawn dish detergent and vinegar are the best soap scum removers on the planet. If not for Pinterest I’d still be scrubbing away. Some of the things that are on there sound good, but are really not all they claim to be. Have you ever tried cleaning a shower door with a dryer sheet? Don’t do it, I don’t … Continue reading