Grocery Shopping to Save Money

One area of housekeeping that can cost lots of money is feeding your family. Especially if you don’t have a plan. I find that if I just have a general idea of what I’m going to make for the week I spend much more money at the store than if I have a plan. It’s a bit more work to make a plan but really the money you save makes it worthwhile. The first thing you need to do is check the sales. There are some great sites that will match coupons with the sales for you to help you … Continue reading

Back-to-School Shoe Shopping

A.k.a.: The shopping trip from hell. Besides backpacks one of the most popular and expensive back-to-school items is a new pair of shoes. Even if your child wears a uniform to school, you will likely have to purchase him a new pair of stomps. So what can cash-strapped parents do to ensure that they are getting a durable and fashionable pair of shoes for their kids without breaking the bank? Here are some tips: Size: Don’t turn down the shoe store employee when she asks to measure your child’s foot. Younger children are constantly growing and wearing slippers and other … Continue reading

Hungry Shopping

I was talking with a checkout woman the other day while I was at the grocery store. One of the things she told me is that she can always spot someone who hasn’t eaten lunch or dinner. I thought she meant that the shopper would have some take out stuff from the deli counter. But no, she said the hungry shoppers always spend more. Now, I have heard the old adage, “Never shop when you are hungry,” but I didn’t think that it really made much of an impact. My friend at the cash register said that she can tell … Continue reading

“I Still FEEL Hungry”

I couldn’t help but ask my son the other morning after he had cooked himself 6 fried eggs, sliced up a large apple, and was having a big bowl of cereal–all for breakfast–if he was really THAT hungry, or if he was eating for other reasons. He looked at me, perplexed, through his nearly 16-year-old eyes and answered, “I certainly FEEL hungry.” He went on to explain that he was hoping if he ate enough for breakfast, it would hold him over until lunch without feeling like he needed to have a snack. This is the kid who does tend … Continue reading

Thanksgiving is here—make your shopping list!

Have you thought yet about what you’re going to serve for Thanksgiving—and about how much food you’ll actually need? I think most people fall into two categories. Either they cook too much food or they cook too little food. I happen to fall into the first category, a trait I blame on my mother. With three kids who just happened to have monstrous teenaged appetites from about the age of five, she became a master at cooking well and cooking large. I will say, however, aside from being stuffed most of my adult life, I do think it’s better to … Continue reading

How to Be Prepared for Black Friday 2013

Shopping for the best 2013 Black Friday Deals? This year, things may be a little different. Be prepared with the following tips, and you’ll get the best prices without being overwhelmed. It is solid advice to get you through the most important shopping day of the year. By making the following preparations now, you’ll be sure not to lose out on those bargains and at the same time, have everything be a positive and fun experience. Prepare for the Changes Swallow that turkey and be out the door by early evening if you want to start your Black Friday shopping. … Continue reading

First Thanksgiving Part I

Last year on thanksgiving I was thirty six weeks pregnant with my daughter. I remember going to our family get togethers and feeling quite self conscious of my enormous pregnant belly. My daughter missed out on last year’s thanksgiving by three weeks, but this year she most certainly made her presence known. She began her first thanksgiving giggling and playing on the bed waking me up from my slumber. She very decidedly let me know that she was done sleeping and wanted to go downstairs. Apparently she was really hungry because she ate twice as much egg yolk than she … Continue reading

Generational Differences in Marriage Dynamics: Cooking

Due to all of my volunteering, I spend a lot of time each week with people who are more in my parents’ generation than mine. That’s normal enough; once we graduate and enter the work force, our pool of peers naturally expands beyond our age group. I have no problem with this most of the time, but once in a while I feel our generational difference, and that usually relates to our views on marriage. My friends don’t have extremely different views on marriage than me; they’re certainly not the types who think their husbands rule the roost. I don’t … Continue reading

Spam, It’s What’s For Dinner

Depending on which website you visit, Spam is 75 years old. Really? It’s hard for me to believe it’s held on that long. Personally I don’t like Spam but someone must for it to still be around. I work with people who are fans of Spam, one lady says her kids ask for Spam and eggs. All I can say is ewes! Although I have to admit that I have purchased a fair amount of Spam and it is a staple in my food storage. It seems counter productive to store stuff your family won’t eat but I figure if … Continue reading

Gifts for Baby’s First Christmas

Are you searching for the perfect gift for your baby this Christmas? Here is a list of the most popular baby toys this year. Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes: Babies love music. Keep your baby happy listening to music while on car rides, grocery shopping, or in waiting rooms. Your baby will enjoy the colorful lights that dance across the screen while the music plays. It is easy to hold and has a switch for volume control. Fisher-Price Brilliant Basics Baby’s First Blocks: No lights. No sounds. No batteries. This toy is a classic and one that every baby loves. … Continue reading