Swallow the Turkey and Head to the Mall

This year, Black Friday ads indicate that it won’t be so much about getting up early to head to the stores for the Black Friday deals as rushing out the door as you are still chewing the last bit of turkey. Consider this year “dine and dash,” as many are calling it. Black Friday deals are starting as early as 8 pm on Thanksgiving. I’m not a big Black Friday shopper. I prefer to get most, if not all, of my shopping done before Thanksgiving. This way I can enjoy more time spent with the family, baking cookies, playing games, … Continue reading

How to be Prepared for a Grocery Shopping Trip

Sometimes you know when you are going to go grocery shopping and other times you just have to grab a few things on the way home. Either way, it helps to be prepared. If you are prepared for your grocery shopping trip, you will save money, save time and have all of the groceries that you need to make your meals and snacks for the week. Keep These Items with You Have a bag stored in the car with a couple of items to make it easy to do your grocery shopping. Carry your coupons everywhere you go. You never … Continue reading

Three Black Friday Shopping Secrets

Are you ready for Black Friday? As one friend and I recently commiserated, Black Friday is a lot different than it used to be in years past. Back then, it was fun to get up at 5am and do some shopping. Now, though, stores open as early at 2 am. Many of them never even close from the day before but allow you to buy at Black Friday deals and prices starting at midnight. Hourly specials make things even more complicated. That is why it is so important to have a plan and use all of the best shopping secrets … Continue reading

Ways to Save: Savvy Shopping

I’ve seen TLC’s megahit, “Extreme Couponing” on many occasions, and each time I view it I’m left asking this question: Where are these people shopping that they can double or triple their coupons? Clearly, not in Wisconsin. I don’t know of any grocery store in the state that doubles coupons. And if I am wrong, I would love for you to let me know. I could actually save money if I’m incorrect. What a concept. I am an avid coupon-er, though I don’t dumpster dive nor do I steal newspapers from other people’s homes. Rather, I simply use what I … Continue reading

Department Store Clearance Shopping Tips

Sometimes the prices at department stores can be cheaper than the prices at thrift stores and even garage sales! Plus when you shop the clearance sales, you wind up with new, never used items. So, not only might you get more use out of these items (from lack of wear), but you can also gift them without guilt. Over the years, I have learned a few tricks for shopping the clearance sales. Here are some of my favorite tips for saving big and getting the items that you want and need. Shop off peak If you can shop on a … Continue reading

Avoid the Shopping Bug

Just like a regular virus, the shopping bug can make you ill, or in this case your finances ill. The shopping bug can be caught, and you can suffer it long term. Here are some suggestions on how to avoid catching this bug in the first place. Inoculate Yourself Having a new attitude toward stuff can really help inoculate yourself against the shopping bug. Shopping is often seen as a firm of entertainment, but at the end of the day, purchases are all just stuff. And we often have too much stuff. Why not concentrate on a few things that … Continue reading

Lowering Your Frugal Setpoint

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to help out at a children’s outgrown sale. It was so much fun interacting with the staff and with the shoppers, plus during slow times or when we were fixing up the racks, the people working the sale were able to take a closer look at some of the items themselves. One thing that emerged for me was the fact that everyone there, staff and shoppers included had their own frugal setpoint. A setpoint is the point or highest price that you are willing to pay for something. This can vary by the … Continue reading

Practical Clothes Shopping

About a week ago I had to opportunity to go out shopping with a good friend. Her mission was to get me out of my standard uniform of jeans, tops and sneakers and into something with more style. The rules were that I was not allowed to buy anything black it’s classic), and I was not allowed to buy socks. You see, my practicality being what it is, socks are infinitely useful. Besides being worn on the feet, once they become worn out, they can still be used for many other things. Plus, it is rare to find new socks … Continue reading

My New Outlet Shopping Tip

Friday my husband had the day off for the holiday, so we took a short trip over to Lancaster County, and among other things, visited the Rockvale Outlets. These outlets have some great family-friendly brand names, such as Disney, Carter and Stride-Rite, as well as fashion-friendly stores for the adults. We only had time to hit a few of the stores, but I learned a couple of new things about outlet shopping for this trip. Here is my best new tip. Think outside the store The first store I wanted to visit was the VF outlet. Healthtex, Vanity Fair and … Continue reading

How to Shop Smart

Sometimes it isn’t all about the coupons and sales but where in the store that you shop. Did you know that you can often find two of the exact same things (or at least similar things) in a store such as Target or Walmart and yet pay two different prices, depending on the section in which you find the item? Doing a little creative thinking can often save you some money. Similar use items When shopping for something first think about whether or not it might have other uses. Is it a specialty item? Are there other items that might … Continue reading