Dump the Storage Unit and Get Out of Debt

According to the New York Times, the number of self-storage units in the United States is on the rise. Unfortunately, most people really don’t need self-storage units. They are usually a waste of money and can contribute to debt. Dumping the storage unit can offer you instant savings. There are very few smart reasons to have a storage unit, and the majority of these require only temporary storage. For example, if a family is moving to a new home and is temporarily renting a furnished apartment while they wait to close on the new house. Renting a self-storage unit year … Continue reading

My Frugal Confession

It seems that I should have written this blog a long time ago, to dispel any myths or confusion about my frugal life. I love frugal living, and I love finding ways to save money and reuse things. Do I do it all the time? Let’s find out. My confession for all of you, is that I am not the most frugal person. In fact, my articles probably make me sound like a totally frugal person, but there are plenty of things I am not frugal on. Yes, I use coupons. Do I ever forget to bring them and purchase … Continue reading