Go Green This Summer

My daughter went to summer camp and all she got were green stains on her shirt. No, they weren’t grass stains or remnants from an art project gone wrong; rather, they were much tastier. This is the second year that my daughter has attended Cooking Day Camp, and I must say; the results were even better than I had expected. The week-long camp is designed for kids 6 to 8 years old and includes a special emphasis on getting children (especially picky eaters) to try new foods. The idea is that if youngsters have a part in making the recipe … Continue reading

Graduation Party: Less is More

With unemployment a current epidemic, gas hovering near $4 a gallon, and food prices soaring, it’s no wonder so many families are being forced to scale back on graduation parties. Fortunately, you don’t have to dig yourself deeper into debt in order to celebrate your son or daughter’s big day. There’s a way to have fun with a budget-friendly party, as long as you follow these simple tips: 1. Skip the fine china and opt for disposable plates, bowls and utensils. 2. Consider a potluck and ask friends and family to bring a dish to pass. 3. Double up on … Continue reading

Easy and Affordable Mexican Meals

When I think of easy and affordable meals, tacos immediately come to mind. Aside from crispy corn or soft flour tortillas, everything else needed to make the Mexican dish can be found around the house on a daily basis. Also helping to keep down the costs is the main ingredient. Ground beef or turkey and chicken are all relatively cheap meats. The only problem with tacos is that they can get boring if you serve them more than three or four times a month. That’s where the following dishes come in handy. The recipes for Taco Soup, Turkey Tacos and … Continue reading

Thanksgiving Appetizers

The turkey is the star of any Thanksgiving buffet, but before you can get Tom the bird to the dinner table, you might consider offering the following appetizers to your holiday guests. The pre-dinner eats are simple to make and can be served well in advance of your Thanksgiving feast, so as to not ruin anyone’s appetite. CRAB AND SHRIMP STUFFED MUSHROOMS Ingredients: 3 tablespoons butter 1/4 cup finely diced onion 1/4 cup finely diced celery 1/4 cup finely diced red pepper 2 tablespoons chicken broth 1/2 teaspoon garlic salt 1/8 teaspoon black pepper 2 teaspoons lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon … Continue reading

30 Easy Ways to Cut Calories

1. Have salsa with your tortilla chips instead of guacamole or queso dip. 2. Bake your own tortilla chips, from real tortillas, instead of eating fried chips. 3. Skip the sour cream on your tacos. 4. Switch to Dannon Light & Fit yogurt. 5. Switch to mini bagels and enjoy the whole bagel. 6. Switch to 1/3 Less Fat Philly (Neufchatel) Cream Cheese. It tastes just as good and has a whole lot less calories. 7. Skip the crust and just eat the pie filling. 8. Skip the sugar and make your pies with Splenda. 9. Switch to spray on … Continue reading

Hawaiian Style Holiday Gifts—Fruit Salsa and Passion Fruit Dressing

While my daughter and I have been icing cookies and dipping pretzel rods in chocolate my best friend in Hawaii has been busy whipping up her own holiday treats. Though hers are decidedly more savory than sweet. My pal Lisa’s handiwork serves as the inspiration for this blog. Her holiday recipes for fruit salsa and passion fruit dressing prove that fancy sweets aren’t the only homemade holiday treats that can be doled out to friends and co-workers. In fact, these recipes offer a welcome change to the traditional sweets given this time of year. Just package each in individual jars … Continue reading

Fight A Cold With The Right Foods

Stuffy nose? Check. Scratchy throat? Check. Tickling throat and cough? Check and check. Sounds like the formula for a few days of misery while your body fights off a cold. Running to the kitchen can help ease your symptoms and help you feel better faster. Chicken soup. An oldie but a goodie! The salt in the broth is soothing to sore throats. The warmth can help break up mucous. The veggies are full of vitamins and minerals your body needs. What’s not to like? Whole grains. The zinc in whole grains helps your immune system keep running at peak performance. … Continue reading

Ultimate 7-Layer Dip—A delicious treat any time of day

If you live anywhere near the southwest, it’s highly unlikely that you haven’t tried this popular pot luck, get together food. But if you don’t live in the southwest and aren’t as familiar with Mexican flavors and dishes, it may be new to you. Ultimate 7-Layer Dip is a delicious recipe that is perfect for a get together of any size. The recipe can be halved, doubled, or tripled (just change the size of dish you put it in) to fit a party for two or a party for 100. And the best part about this dish is that you … Continue reading