Online Shopping Secrets: Seven Websites that Will Save You Money

Grab the lowest prices on everything you buy online by checking out the following seven websites before you make a purchase. and Check and for coupons and coupons codes that you can use to get discounts on the things that you buy online. There are coupon codes for both products and online stores. In some cases, you’ll also find rebates to redeem. Just search for the store or the product to see what might be available. Some coupon codes are straight forward, such as 10 percent off a purchase or free shipping, while others have specific … Continue reading

Saving Money on Groceries When You Both Work

A lot of the frugal living advice out there concerning groceries assumes that you have time to cut all of the coupons, are home during the day to simmer the homemade chicken stock and prepare inexpensive meals from scratch. But what if you are a two income family or a single parent who just doesn’t have the ability to use some of the regular frugal living techniques? I’m here to help. Some frugal practices can be adapted to your lifestyle if you are commuting to work on a daily basis. The crock pot or slow cooker, for example, can be … Continue reading

Storing Your Small Kitchen Appliances

Is your kitchen easy to use with a lot of counter space? You might be dreaming of a new kitchen but sometimes just removing clutter from the counter and properly storing your kitchen appliances can give you extra counter space and make your kitchen seem new. Yesterday, I shared the first steps in organizing the kitchen counter. If you took that information to heart, you should be well on your way to removing anything that doesn’t belong in your kitchen. Now let’s talk about the things that may belong, the appliances. That is right, I said may because chances are … Continue reading

Make Your Breadmaker Work for You

Even with the rising price of flour, having a breadmaker can be a very frugal thing, provided that you use it well. Of course, you can save lots of money by making your own breadmaker, but I personally find that it is a good investment because it really helps me fit home made bread and even freezer cooking into my busy day. Here are some tips that well help you make your breadmaker work for you. First of all, if you have a breadmaker, use it. There is nothing worse than an idle appliance. Be realistic. If you don’t use … Continue reading

Attack the Issue, Not Each Other

One of the things that I am working on within myself is to avoid attacking my spouse when there is an issue at hand. Instead, I try to focus on attacking the issue with him, instead. This helps keep the personal attacks and nagging each other away. Attacking the issue instead of each other can come up in many forms. For example, rather than attack my spouse for not getting a certain home repair done, I simply ask “What can I do to get this completed?” When he forgets to shoo our old cat down to the basement and close … Continue reading

Loving Less Expensive (and Junky) Food

Are the rising food prices killing your budget? Why not make some changes to adapt your family to more home cooked meals. They are generally less expensive and offer better nutrition. This is the third article in a series today in which I talk about how our food palate can influence our food choices and our budget. By training your pallet, to less expensive food, you can seriously reduce your food bill. If you missed the two earlier articles, click here: The Frugal Palate Phenomena and Training the Frugal Palate. Let’s continue. My own kids tend to prefer home cooked … Continue reading

Training the Frugal Palate

Are your taste buds sabotaging your budget? Sometimes our bodied are just used to expensive food even when it is not good tasting or good for you. I’ve been sharing one example of how you can change your palate to one that is better for your body and for your budget. When we last left off, I was talking about how much I was looking forward to eating a food that was a favorite a year and a half earlier. If you missed the first article, click here: The Frugal Palate Phenomena Let’s continue… You know what? I couldn’t stomach … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: April 28th Through May 4th

With food and gas prices being so expensive, even the non frugal are becoming frugal. People are having a rude shock when they realize that their dollars aren’t going as far as they should. This is leading a huge interest in frugality and saving money. Living frugally is becoming a widespread necessity. That is why I hope that you can use and enjoy all of the great articles here in the Frugal Living Blog. Here are just the ones from last week, in a handy review. April 28th Frugal Living Week in Review: April 21st Through April 27th This week … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: January 7th Through January 13th

From freezer cooking to reusing our items, we have been working our way through the kitchen to save money. We’ve also thrown in a few other surprises. I’m so glad that the holiday spending is over, and we can get back to being really frugal. Here is the Frugal Living week in review for January 7th through January 13th. January 7th Even More Frugal Kitchen Tips Have you been following our frugal kitchen tips? They are great ideas for saving money in the busiest room in the house. I like to concentrate on this room, because I find that establishing … Continue reading