Cheap Summer Snack Ideas

School is out and the living is easy. Days are filled with fun in the sun, adventures in the yard, camp, amusement parks and more. All of that activity makes kids hungry but reluctant to slow down. Here come the summer snacks to the rescue. Kids can fill up on nutritious high energy snacks without adding additional money to the grocery budget. The secret is all in how you play it. So, while the kids get excited about all of their accomplishments this summer, mom can earn a few extra points with the following cheap snack ideas. Popcorn Homemade popcorn … Continue reading

Leftovers: Good Idea or Bad?

Growing up I hate leftovers and would do everything I could to avoid them. Now, as a mom of three, I’ve made my peace with leftovers and try to use them in creative ways. (Here are some ideas for Unconventional Leftovers.) But, are leftovers really a good idea? Let us take a look. Leftovers Can Make your Sick (BAD) Since I hate wasting money, I’m reluctant to toss out food. Taken too far, this could make me sick, when leftovers are too old or haven’t been stored properly. Getting leftovers refrigerated or frozen immediately, labeling leftovers with a date, and … Continue reading

Where the Early Bird Saves Money

In my home, we have two different camps. Those of us who are the early birds or morning people, and those of us who can party all night, well, at least stay up way past bedtime. Since I happen to be writing this at 4:30 in the morning, guess which camp I fall into. There is something to be said for early birds. Not only do we get the worm, but we also get the savings. That is because if you can get to things early, you can usually get the best prices in the following areas. The Movie Theater … Continue reading

Three Quick Money Saving Ideas

There are many ways that people can save themselves some money on things that they use every day. Today, I came across a few simple things that you can do if any of the situations involved are relevant to products or services that you use in your day to day life. The more quick and simple ways that you can find to save a little here and there, the faster your savings will add up. If you pay an annual fee for a credit card, why not take a little time to look around online and see whether there is … Continue reading

Money Saving Tips for a Child’s Birthday Party

Our eldest son will be celebrating his 10th birthday next month, so we want to make sure he has a nice party. This is a milestone for him, the first time that he hits double digits! of course, with our getting out of debt goals, we also want to make sure that we don’t spend more money than we have to spend. Here are some of the money saving tips that we will be exploring. Keeping the Guest List Small Guest lists have a way of spinning out of control, so we will have to put a limit on the … Continue reading

Saving on Electricity

With the price of electricity tipped to rise considerably in Australia, and probably the same in other countries, we need to find ways of saving money.So here are a few tips for saving on electricity. Switch off lights when you leave a room. It sounds simple but it’s amazing how many people don’t. Also make sure to switch off appliances when they are not in use. Don’t leave these switched on. Overhead fans are much cheaper to run than an air conditioner and quite effective. Use of blinds, curtains and awnings is another way of keeping heating and cooling costs … Continue reading

Time Savings Tips to Prep Your House for Baby

Getting ready for a baby in your home involves more than just baby-proofing. Sure, locking away dangerous cleaners, protecting electrical outlets and blocking stairs are all good ideas, but you will discover that adding convenience for your sake will help you keep your sanity. Taking care of a baby takes up a lot of time, so anything you can do now that can save you time later will make mommy-hood that much easier. 1. Cut down on the time it takes to clean your hardwood, tile or linoleum floors by investing in a quality steam mop, if you don’t already … Continue reading

The Garden Survey: Creating a Plan for the Vegetable Garden

Spring is just around the corner up here in the northern climes. Oh yes, I know that there is snow up to your chest and that shiver with dread as you think about going outside into the deep cold. However, it’s at this time of year that I start to think about spring. It’s best to plan ahead. We’ll start with a garden survey. You can begin the survey indoors, and as the snow begins to melt you can head outdoors to complete it. Visualize your garden. If you have a vegetable garden already, use a piece of paper and … Continue reading

Frugal Lunch Box Ideas

Okay, we are into October now, long past the time when back to school lunches were new, and I could get away with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Plus, my son is starting to talk about some of the cool snacks that some of the other kids bring. I want to be able to keep my son happy, while providing a nutritious lunch and snacks, and also saving money. On a recent trip to Target, I asked him to point out some snacks and lunch food that he would love to see make it to his lunch box. Mind you, … Continue reading

Four Ways to Save Money on Birthday Cake

This week we are in the middle of trying to finalize plans for an upcoming birthday party for our two sons. Two boys with birthdays only a month apart means one party to save the relatives from traveling, but two separate cakes with different themes. All of that cake can add up in expense. Here are four different ways to save money on birthday cake. With these various options, you should be able to find your own great way to shave off some of the cost of the birthday cake. Buy a regular birthday cake but skip the special decorating. … Continue reading