Housework and Cooling Costs

Keep cool, get your housework done and save on cooling costs all at the same time. Today is going to be  scorcher! Even though it is only May, the temperatures are in the high 80s with high humidity. It makes things very uncomfortable, and the air conditioning will need to go on if we don’t want to all melt into little puddles on the floor. When the days get like this, the housework rules have to change a bit to accommodate the heat and humidity. Because our window air conditioners take up a lot of energy, I have to be … Continue reading

Little Hands = Big Help

Know how you can save money around the house?  Put your kids to work. Many parents shy away from assigning household jobs to their young children rationalizing that it takes less time and energy if they simply complete the tasks themselves.  Of course, a child is never going to learn how to make a bed, clean a toilet or fold laundry if his parent doesn’t allow him to get hands-on experience and make mistakes along the way.  Most kids learn from their errors, though that’s little consolation to the mom who has to refold an entire basket of clean laundry … Continue reading

Favorite Floor Cleaner

My parents have laminate floors in their home and clean them with Wilsonart Flooring Cleaner. The product is designed to keep laminate and linoleum floors looking newer, longer. My mom is a believer. She happens to love Wilsonart and uses it for daily cleanings, in addition to the times when she needs to deep-clean the floor in order to get rid of grease, dirt, and residue. Wilsonart Laminate floor cleaner (the concentrated formula) features a no rinse formula, which cleans without streaking. Another bonus: Wilsonart floor cleaner is biodegradable. To use simply mix two ounces of the concentrated floor cleaner … Continue reading

Time Savings Tips to Prep Your House for Baby

Getting ready for a baby in your home involves more than just baby-proofing. Sure, locking away dangerous cleaners, protecting electrical outlets and blocking stairs are all good ideas, but you will discover that adding convenience for your sake will help you keep your sanity. Taking care of a baby takes up a lot of time, so anything you can do now that can save you time later will make mommy-hood that much easier. 1. Cut down on the time it takes to clean your hardwood, tile or linoleum floors by investing in a quality steam mop, if you don’t already … Continue reading

Cleaning and Polishing Wood Floors

One of the things that have stumped me the most is caring for our wood floors. We love hardwood floors because of their beauty and the fact that they don’t promote allergies or asthma, the way traditional carpeting does. We had hardwood floors in our last home, and we have them in this one (with the exception of the the family room, the kitchen and the bathrooms). Over the years, I have tried a few different things to get the hardwood floors clean and looking beautiful. When we were showing our home, potential buyers commented on how lovely our floors … Continue reading

Vinegar Your Floors

Here is another great use for vinegar! You can use vinegar as a safe and effective floor cleaner for wonderfully clean floors. I love this method, because not only is it frugal, but it doesn’t leave any of that film that regular floor cleaners leave behind. It doesn’t even need to be rinsed. To make your own vinegar floor cleaner, simply add one cup of white vinegar to one gallon of hot water. Remember when using vinegar for cleaning, that it always needs to be white vinegar and not cider vinegar. White vinegar can be purchased by the gallon at … Continue reading

Mop Your Floor and Save

With so many of the convenient floor cleaning gadgets, devices and services in the world, you can easily spend almost as much on floor cleaning products in a year as you do on entertainment or eating out; maybe even more than food, depending on how much you cook at home. There are disposable products that last fora few cleaning before having to be replaced, and there are machine you can by. With all of the expense, you might even be tempted to forego the floor cleaning all together. I used to know a mom of a five-year-old who never, ever … Continue reading

Frugal Lessons from The Amish: Giving Up Your Vacuum

Can giving up your vacuum really save you money? Vacuum cleaners use large amounts of electricity, require the purchase of bags and filters, and eventually need costly repair or replacement. Eliminating this piece of equipment can save you money. I know, I know. You are shaking your head at me again. How on earth can I possibly recommend giving up your vacuum? While it is great being frugal, no one wants to live in a dirty house, right? I don’t know about you, but I use my big vacuum on a daily basis. I have three small children worth of … Continue reading

The Cheap Way to Use Your Swiffer

Why spent a lot maintaining those fancy kitchen floor systems? From Clorox to Swiffer, it seems like there is always a new way to clean your kitchen floor. Here is a secret of mine. I love those swiffer wet mops. They are so much easier to use than the traditional bucket and pail, but the cleaning solution and the replacement pads can get pretty expensive. I was buying the supplies by bulk, but I was also going through those supplies pretty quickly. I started to notice that the supplies were affecting our budget, but I didn’t want to give up … Continue reading

Let go of Your Perfectionism

Last time I walked you through scheduling your tasks around the house. This time, I want to discuss letting go of your perfectionism. Flylady has taught me a lot, but the most valuable lesson for me is to let go of my perfectionism. You don’t have to do your tasks around your house perfectly to get them done. “House work done incorrectly still blesses your family.” This statement couldn’t be more true. Does the bed have to be made perfectly to look better than it did when you got out of it? Does the floor have to be mopped perfectly … Continue reading