Cooking for a Family in Need

This week we are faced with the desire to do some cooking for a family in need. I did a quick meal plan for a few meals plus snacks and quick items. When I added it all up and included disposable packaging, the total cost was more than $125, which is higher than our weekly grocery bill. That would be a blow to our budget, so I made a few changes to allow us to provide hearty, nutritious meals that could be prepared and delivered the same day. I got up very early this morning and got to work putting … Continue reading

Less Time Cooking = More Time Working

Home-based professionals are often juggling many roles and responsibilities at once. From child care to cooking and cleaning and oh yes running our businesses, we have a lot on our plates including making sure that the family has plenty of nutritious food on their plates at meal time. Cooking is something that I enjoy very much, but I am keenly aware of just how much time goes into making many of the meals that I like to make. There must be a way that at least on some days, cooking and cleaning up can take up a little less of … Continue reading

Freezer Cooking for the Lunch Box

Yesterday, I shared some general ideas for saving money on school lunches. To take it to the next step, let’s talk about preparing lunches ahead of time and freezing them. Not only will this make preparing school lunches so convenient, but it will also make them even cheaper. You can use items that are on sale or inexpensive and take advantage of low prices. Plus, you can create these lunches from scratch, making the cost per lunch go way down. Here are some of my favorite freezer cooking ideas for the school (or work) lunch box. Homemade hot pockets These … Continue reading

Freezer Cooking Breakfast Ideas

I love to have great breakfast items that I can pull out of the freezer and prepare quickly for my family. This saves us from expensive cereal every morning, expensive pop tarts when the kids are running late for the bus or expensive muffins or sandwiches grabbed by my husband at the office. I find that the more I can make ahead food, the more likely that I can keep our grocery bill under control. Here are some of my favorite make ahead freezer cooking breakfast ideas. Egg Muffin Sandwiches I make these in batches of 12. That is about … Continue reading

Meal Planning and Freezer Cooking

Well, it looks like this week I’ll be concentrating my freezer cooking on breakfast staples again. Having breakfast in the freezer has really been working out for my husband lately, and it as shaved a bit off of our daily expenses. I was planning on preparing a bunch of split chicken breasts in different marinades and freezing them for the upcoming months of outdoor grilling, but unfortunately, my grocery store was all sold out of the chicken. I’m not surprised, it was an amazing deal. I did get a rain check for the maximum limit and will pick up the … Continue reading

Meal Planning: Ham Today, Chicken Tomorrow

Actually the title of this post is a little deceiving. It actually should read something along the lines Ham yesterday and Chicken today. As I wrote in previous posts, I am making a concerted effort to cut those coupons and match up those sales items, freezer cooking and meal planning to reduce our grocery budget. So far, it has been so good. We have gone from a food expense of about $150 a week to one of about $60 a week, which is more than half off. Plus, during this time we have actually cut down on eating out and … Continue reading

How to Lose Money with Your Freezer

You know that I am of freezer meals and once a month cooking recipes. In fact, as soon as I finish writing this post, I plan to marinate some chicken that I got on sale this week, and prepare it into an easy freezer meal that can be pulled out and quickly thrown on the grill. This saves time and money, since chicken should be going up a bit in price in the next few months. But, as the title suggests, you can actually lose money with your freezer. There are several ways to do this easily, so be careful. … Continue reading

More Ham Freezer Cooking

Today I woke up knowing that I had to do some freezer cooking. Remember all of that inexpensive ham I have been telling you about? Well, it was time turn the last ham deals into some freezer meals. I’m still in the process of finishing up actually. In the oven now, excuse me when the timer beeps, are the second batch of ham and cheese hot pockets. These will be great for quick out-the-door lunches or take-to-work lunches. I tried a new dough recipe this time. The previous one, using bread flour and a pizza dough recipe seemed to make … Continue reading

Cheap Ham

Be prepared, because ham is going on sale all over the place this week. Take advantage of this to eat cheaply for months. Late last week we purchased two store brand hams. In addition to getting them pretty cheap, we also got an extra $5 off the purchase thanks to printing out an Internet printable coupon for any meat purchase at the store. In total, we spent $15 for two large hams that would normally cost about $30 a piece. Yesterday, we cooked one of the hams. We enjoyed ham for dinner, and had plenty of leftovers. I kept a … Continue reading

Frugal Freezer Breakfast Meals

Want to cut down on your breakfast expenses? One way to do it is to avoid the convenience cereal and create your own delicious breakfast meals that you can just grab on those hectic mornings. We talk a lot about creating freezer meals in order to take advantage of sales and stocking up on great coupon deals. But often, breakfast gets forgotten when we consider creating and having freezer meals. This is a shame. Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. On top of that, making breakfast in bulk is pretty easy, and breakfast foods tend … Continue reading