What is a Freegan?

I know what a vegetarian is and I know what a vegan is. I’ve heard of the minimalistic movement and even subscribe to the 100 Things Challenge on Facebook (not that it does me much good). But, until I was watching the 10th season of “Project Runaway” the other day, I had never heard of a freegan. Contestant Fabio Costa (who is originally from Brazil, but now lives in Brooklyn, New York) told another designer that he was a freegan. He explained to that designer that he gets his meals from dumpsters, to which everyone in the room went “Ew!” … Continue reading

A Glimpse Into My Price Book

Keeping a price book is a really great way to help you cut back and save money. What is a price book exactly? A price book, is a notebook, or other method of recording information on various grocery store and other retail products, mostly price. Typically the items are listed side by side for easy comparison and the book usually contains the products you purchase the most. I thought it would be nice to give you a little glimpse into my own personal price book. Why I keep one, what it has done for me, and how I set it … Continue reading

Ways To Save Money In The Kitchen

Saving money in the kitchen is a resourceful way to save money period. We all have to eat, and eating healthy has become important to many. In addition, there are short cuts to save time in the kitchen, but did you know those same short cuts often save money too? Recipes Try out new recipes. Shop around online or with family and friends and try out different recipes several nights a week, to see what your family enjoys and where you can save the most money. Try out recipes that might encourage freezer cooking or meal sharing for a co-op. … Continue reading

More Ways American’s Waste Money In The Kitchen

American’s waste money everyday. In fact, the kitchen is one of those places where it’s easy to waste money. The cost of food has risen dramatically over the years, and wasting it in anyway, wastes money. Yesterday I showed you two ways that American’s waste money in the kitchen. Today, I will give you a few more ways. Appliance Shopping Sometimes, you have to spend a little money to save a little money. But sometimes you waste that money when you think you are about to start saving some. Appliance shopping is tricky, and needs to be considered carefully before … Continue reading

Two Easy Ways To Save Money On Food

It has been said before, and it will definitely be said again, saving money on food is one of the best ways to save money. And creating home cooked meals to save money is easy and will put extra cash in your bank account. In fact, by home cooking your meals, mostly from scratch, you can feed a family of five for about $10-12 a day. But even after hearing that, or hearing that by home cooking your meals you’ll save money, over and over again, do you really understand? Cooking From Scratch Many people consider cooking from scratch to … Continue reading

Two of the Biggest Ways American’s Waste Money In The Kitchen

There are so many ways Americans waste money every day. Sometimes, when I see how other families spend their money, I want to cringe. But the thing is, saving money is a personal choice. However, there are a lot of ways that you can save money on food costs, just by changing a few habits. Eating Out Eating out has become an American past time. In fact, American’s do it far more than any other country. However, it is a wallet slimmer every time. A meal for five at a restaurant, depending on what type you have chosen can cost … Continue reading

Five Great Uses for Coffee Cans

Coffee cans come in many different sizes, are enormous in their largest size and can hold a lot of different stuff. They can be used in many ways. It’s the traditional trash to treasure concept when you are staring at a coffee can. What can I make out of one? Here are some great ways to recycle and reuse your coffee cans: Bank Coffee cans make really cool banks. Just cut a slit in the lid and start saving. Once the can is full, you can roll the change and use it to treat yourself to something nice. And if … Continue reading

Dumpster Diving Diva!

Since the Deals-a-go-go (DAGGS) merge with families.com, there has been a bustle of activity over on the forums. For someone like me, a die-hard frugal gal, their concepts were made just for me. Between coupons, and stockpiling and trading and scouring ads, it’s almost like a full time job. In the past week I’ve learned more about how to clip my coupons, how to save them, what to do with them, when to use them and how many I should have, that I am overwhelmed by all the information. But slowly, I am processing everything and my brain is adjusting … Continue reading

Back To School Savings

Every August, we as parents trek to the store, with a list in hand, to purchase all the supplies our children needs for their grade level. And every year it’s the same old thing. We fight aisles of people who are doing the same. We have trouble finding things on the list. We wonder why they need certain items, and we spend more than we need to. This year I had my children reuse many of their supplies. Last year I purchased each of my children an Eastman backpack. By the end of the year, when everyone’s $10.00 character backpacks … Continue reading

The Miracle School Supply

I honestly think I may have found the best school supply ever. At least for those of us who enjoy living a more frugal lifestyle, always looking for the cheap school supplies! Every year at back to school time we fight strangers for supplies, that quite honestly are expensive and most are used up before first quarter is even over. Then whatever is leftover is usually lost or ruined by the end of second quarter. Leaving you to start all over again mid school year. My least favorite school supply to purchase has always been folders. And how many different … Continue reading