Tricks Grocery Stores Use to Get You to Stock Up

I am all for stocking up on great bargains at the grocery store. In fact, up until recently, I had a very well stocked pantry, complete with pretty much everything that we needed to make some inexpensive meals. All out of ketchup? Nor problem, I’ll just pop down to the basement for another bottle that was purchased on sale. Stocking up can be a good thing when you do it for the right reasons, namely, reducing the number of shopping trips you have to do and buying everything at the cheapest prices. Plus, stocking up can have psychological benefits too, … Continue reading

Shopping the 10 for $10 Sales

It seems that all of the grocery stores around here are running a lot of multiple unit specials, such as 10 items for $10, or 6 items for $8, etc. Sometimes you can get some good deals with these sales. but unfortunately, most of the time you can get taken. Often, the sale price of the 10 for $10 is more than the item is without a sale! And even if the price is less with the deal, chances are that you can find the item in a better sale or find a generic version of the product for a … Continue reading

Getting Out of Debt: Extreme Couponing

My husband thinks I am obsessed with extreme couponing. I admit that I never actually saw the Extreme Couponing show. Nevertheless, I have been a crazy coupon lady, clipping grocery coupons and getting the best deals on groceries that I can find. I’ve always believed in coupons, but my dedication to using them had fallen off and become sporadic. I needed the focus of getting out of debt to really step up my game in order to reduce our grocery bill even more and to get out of debt. My goal is to actually come under the amount that we … Continue reading