How to Build Up a Stockpile

Having a stockpile of basics and favorites really helps you save money in the long run. You can prevent extra trips to the store; you can have plenty on hand to serve for dinner and avoid take out costs; you can get your food items at the lowest prices. The best way to build up a stockpile is usually slowly. This way, you never spend too much money at once, and you can have a plan in mind when it comes to storing your stockpile. concentrate on building up just a few items per week until you have a good … Continue reading

Five Reasons to Stockpile Food

Among frugal living people, there is sometimes the debate about stockpiling food. Critics of stockpiling food point out that the money used on stockpiled food could be put in a bank to earn interest instead of invested in food that might go stale or bad. They may say that with a general income that keeps pace with inflation, there is no sense in stockpiling. Or they say that the stockpile takes up too much room in the home, costing you livable space. All those reasons may be valid, but I still have to say that I am pro stockpiling. Recent … Continue reading

My Bakery Stockpile

This past weekend, I made a visit to our friendly neighborhood bakery thrift store. You may have read some of my earlier blogs all about this wonderful store. It is a place where I can get breads and other Pepperidge Farm goods for deep discounts. I like to keep baked goods and the ingredients to make baked goods well on hand. This means that I am always seeking ways to add to my stockpile. I do this through that bakery thrift store, but also through buying baking ingredients in bulk and with sales and coupons. Sometimes, I can even stock … Continue reading

My Frugal Stockpiling Session

Yesterday was grocery shopping day. Yes, I know that Saturdays can be tough, but as I was mentioning on one of the forums, when I go shopping, I need help. So, my husband comes along, and we make it a family affair. I do all of the price research and coupon cutting before we go, so that we are all set. Once we get there, and it is just a matter of zipping through the store or stores quickly and efficiently. My stockpile in the past few months has been looking pretty anemic. This is because we purged a lot … Continue reading

Recipe for Frugal Cookies

All cookies are not created equal when it comes to how much they cost. Yes, homemade cookie gifts are a good way to be frugal and generous at the same time, but do you know exactly how much that batch of cookies is costing you to make? I don’t want to be a scrooge, of course, but when choosing between two recipes, it might be nice to see which batch of cookies will cost you less. Here are some guidelines about ingredient costs and which recipes are generally the most expensive. Ingredients If you get a good deal at the … Continue reading

75 Things You Can Do to Save Money

If you need or want to tighten your budget, there are so many things that you can do to save money. Pick a few from the list and get started today, or try them all. It will be nice to have some extra money available. Mow your own lawn and perform lawn care yourself. Drink water instead of flavored drinks. Get rid of the cleaning service. Perform your own minor repairs, such as patching a hole or fixing a leaky faucet. Change your oil in the car. Paint a room yourself. Hand wash clothing instead of taking it to the … Continue reading

Three Ways an Organized Pantry Saves Money

One of the great pitfalls of frugal grocery shopping and stockpiling can be an unorganized pantry. Unfortunately, a pantry that suffers from disorganization can wind up costing your money instead of saving it. Here are three ways why it pays to take the time to organize your food. The biggest cost to your food budget can be food that expires or goes stale before you can use it. When this is the case, it doesn’t matter that you only spent 50 cents on a jar of pasta sauce if you never use it. One recent study suggests that Americans throw … Continue reading

Optimizing Our Errands 2

This is part 2 of a 2-part series. If you missed the first article earlier today, click here: Optimizing Our Errands. After lunch, we visited the library to return books and stock up on enough reading and listening material to last us six weeks (the maximum amount of time we can hold items). I estimate that getting extra books and CDs shaved off at least one extra library trip. I decided not to take out any DVDs, since these are due in three days time and would require an extra trip back to the library. We have plenty of movies … Continue reading

Stock up on Flour, Bread and Cereal Now While You Can

Here is a little bit of news that you can use. It is time to stock up on your flour and wheat as much as possible within your budget for the next few weeks. Whether you use wheat flour, all-purpose flour or bread flour, you’ll want to put by a good stockpile. This is because analysts are predicting record high prices for wheat and wheat products. One story in the news predicts that bread may go as high as $5 a loaf by the end of the year. While I’m not sure that bread prices will soar quite that high, … Continue reading

Same Store, Different Neighborhood

When you see sales from one particular chain store, such as Acme, Shoprite or Krogers, do you assume that all of the prices are in same no matter which location you choose? You should think again. Just shopping on neighborhood over can save you as much as 10 percent on your grocery bill, even before clipping coupons! Even though supermarket chains may be owned by the same company, they charge different prices according to the neighborhoods in which they are located. A supermarket located in a suburb or upscale neighborhood will probably charge more on grocery items, especially basic staples, … Continue reading