Genetics May Influence How Much Coffee You Drink

Do you come from a long line of people who love coffee? When you visit a relative’s home, are you often greeted by the smell of coffee brewing? Research reveals that there is a link between people who love caffeinated beverages and foods, and certain genes. Since caffeine consumption can affect some diseases and disorders, you may want to make note of how many of your ancestors were caffeine lovers. A new study that was published in PloS Genetics, and conducted by scientists from the Harvard School of Public Health, the National Cancer Institute, and other institutions, have discovered two … Continue reading

The New Year and a New Budget…. Coming …..

It’s a New Year and time to think about my budget for the year ahead. Maybe you have already planned expenses for the upcoming year, but I am just starting to get the numbers down on paper. As I have casually mentioned in just a few blog posts, Hubby and I, well, – we’ve got some debt. In a spending spree extraordinare last year, we remodeled our kitchen, installed a gourmet coffee machine, spent our savings on our fridge and still managed to travel a bit. Then Christmas came, we hosted for a family of seven and I knew our … Continue reading

Less is More: How Not to Feel Deprived

Buying less not only means saving money, but it can also be freeing in other ways. For ten years of my life I gave up coffee. This was mostly because of two factors. My new (then) husband could not stand the smell of coffee brewing, and during those ten years, I was either pregnant or nursing or both, and choose to stay away from the caffeine. I didn’t actually miss coffee much after a little bit, and I could knock that expense out of our budget. I no longer felt I needed coffee, had desires for coffee or felt deprived … Continue reading

How To Save While Living Paycheck to Paycheck

In our current economy, more and more Americans are finding themselves in a situation where they are living from paycheck to paycheck. Living from paycheck to paycheck is very stressful, and even a small unexpected expense can leave you wondering whether you will be able to pay all of the bills this month. I heard that it was possible to save money while living from paycheck to paycheck, so I decided to take a closer look to figure out how it’s done. Since there is little room for error in calculating your monthly budget when you live paycheck to paycheck, … Continue reading

Three Ways to Earn Extra Money for Christmas without Getting a Job

It will be here before you know it. Already my kids are making their wish lists, and the stores are starting their holiday sales. As I mentioned before, our Christmas tree is more like a “couple of sticks with some green toothpicks on it,” as my son describes, and there is extra tithing and charity. All of these things aren’t normally in the budget. That is why we are employing some strategies to earn a little extra money this year. Some effort now will help avoid great debt later. Because our schedules are already packed tight with kids and work, … Continue reading

If You Work From Home, Where Do You Meet With Clients?

One of the things that it is important to consider when you plan for your home-based business is where you will meet with your clients. You may not ever need to meet with your clients in person, and that makes this topic one less thing on your list of things to think about. For example, I never have to meet with my freelance writing clients in person. All of our communication takes place online. In fact, I have never even spoken with any of them on the telephone – that’s just the nature of the work. My other business, however, … Continue reading

Think Starbucks for Happy Hour

As if you needed a new reason to go to Starbucks. While everyone, from McDonalds to Dairy Queen is jumping on the frozen coffee drink bandwagon, the company that started it all is weighing in with a new beverage and a special offer to celebrate it. The drink is Starbucks’ new However-You-Want-It Frappucino. Introduced on May 4th, the cool concoction allows you to choose your own milk, your own coffee, and your own flavorings and toppings from Starbucks’ menu. Just as the name implies, you can get it exactly the way you want it. However, if that’s too much for … Continue reading

What Does It Mean to Be Head of the Household? part 2

Yesterday I looked at what I believe it doesn’t mean to be head of the household and some of what it does. Here are further ideas on the subject. Beliefs, values, priorities, family ideas and spending in a marriage ought to be along similar lines, not just what one person decides. The person commenting on the original blog suggested that the husband was in charge of finances and the wife needed to justify all expenses to her husband. What about working out together what is needed and how finances are spent? As for the husband being free to spend as … Continue reading

Lifestyle Maintenance on a Budget

For many people the financial crisis hit home. Soon, things that we were able to afford before without a blink could get us into financial harm now. Still, we get used to living the way we normally live, and it can get tough trying to get used to living differently. As a result, we can get into real trouble when we continue to maintain that level of lifestyle, even if it means a ton of debt or even bankruptcy. So the trick here, is to find ways to maintain your lifestyle without spending the same amount of money that you … Continue reading

Frugal Guest at the Wedding

Wedding season is upon us, and you may be looking forward to attending several weddings in the next few months. Did you know that the average wedding guest spends somewhere between $200 and $500 just to attend a wedding let alone be part of the wedding party? Here are some ways to cut your spending without being cheap. Travel and lodging can be a big expense when it comes to attending weddings. There are several ways to cut costs. The bride and groom may have already made arrangements for lodging and transportation, but if they haven’t there are still some … Continue reading