Finding the Best Outlet Stores

Outlet stores can be a mixed bags. Some outlet stores offer goods at pretty much the same prices as the retail stores, while others offer amazing bargains. Here is how to find more outlet stores, including the best of the best. In order to identify the best outlets, you’ll need to know what to look for. You should be familiar with what is currently in style (or what your personal preferences happened to be), and you’ll need to know what things cost normally. Getting what you think is a great deal at an outlet only to find the same item … Continue reading

Dust Free Thrift Store Shopping

Considering how good deals are at thrift stores, you would think I would shop there, but alas, my dust allergy keeps me away. I do manage to go in anyway a few times a year as I can’t help but purchase books there anyway, it is definitely worth to pain. But when I do, I have to deal with a rash that forms across my jaw (where I touch my face alot) and I also have do suffer through a couple of days of coughing and sneezing. This is why I tend to avoid the thrift store and shop at … Continue reading

Frugalista Fashions: Have you done your winter shopping yet?

I realize it is July 10. So why would I be suggesting winter shopping? Well, the answer is that you have exactly 20 days to get into the stores and snatch up last years winter left-overs for next to nothing. True, your options may be limited, and styles a little outdated, but it would be silly to not purchase mainstays for your wardrobe while they are still cheap; before the new fall fashions hit the market. Yesterday, for example, I spent the afternoon at the mall for my daughters birthday. I invited her to bring a friend, and as her … Continue reading

My New Outlet Shopping Tip

Friday my husband had the day off for the holiday, so we took a short trip over to Lancaster County, and among other things, visited the Rockvale Outlets. These outlets have some great family-friendly brand names, such as Disney, Carter and Stride-Rite, as well as fashion-friendly stores for the adults. We only had time to hit a few of the stores, but I learned a couple of new things about outlet shopping for this trip. Here is my best new tip. Think outside the store The first store I wanted to visit was the VF outlet. Healthtex, Vanity Fair and … Continue reading

How to Shop at the Goodwill Outlet Store 2

You can really get amazing bargains at a Goodwill Outlet store. Regular Goodwill stores can be a bit expensive for used (or new) items. But the Goodwill Outlet store is an exception. Imagine getting new designer clothing for 75 cents, household goods for 10 cents or large ride on toys for a dollar. Previously, I started listing some tips for finding and shopping at a Goodwill Outlet store. Now let’s continue. When shopping at a Goodwill Outlet store, make sure to allow for plenty of time to go through the bins. It can take quite a bit of sorting to … Continue reading

How to Shop at the Goodwill Outlet Store

This past week, I got some great deals, including two name brand designer shorts with tags still on for 75 cents, a new fleece-lined ski jacket for a dollar, and a set of Spider Man sheets for a dollar. How did I do it? I shopped at a Goodwill Outlet store and applied some money saving tips. There aren’t very many Goodwill Outlet stores around, but there should be enough to find one within your area, as long as you are willing to do a little driving. For me, the closest Goodwill Outlet store is in Lancaster County, which is … Continue reading

Save Your Couch Today!

Don’t throw away your couch, but give it new life with the following tips. You’ll save some money and transform that lived in look to fresh and new. Removing Pet Hair Lint roller just don’t work on pet hair. I’ve found that a weekly vacuum using a hose works really well. The key is to attacking the pet hair often so it doesn’t have time to embed itself into your fabric. For a large amount or set in pet hair, put on a clean pair of rubber gloves, and run your hands over the fabric. The pet hair will begin … Continue reading

Frugalista Fashions: The 1980’s are Back!

In visiting the outlet mall these last few weeks as fall fashions begin to fill up the store, I have found one thing in common with everything in the stores. I wore the same fashions in the late 1980’s. Black and teal plaid shirts, short bubble skirts, crop jackets, skinny jeans and bold costume jewelry found in the stores remind me of everything I wore in my last year of high schools. This is great news for the frugal woman. If you are the type to hold onto clothes for twenty years you can dig out those old items and … Continue reading

Frugalista Fashions: Try it before you buy it

It doesn’t matter how practical you are with your clothes shopping, or how many outlet shopping tips you use, if you don’t try on clothes before you buy them, all the good clothing advice we can give you goes to waste. If you’ve ever shopped at a thrift store and found clothes with the tags still on them, chances are the person that donated the item purchased it without first trying it on. Anyone who has a closet full of clothes with nothing to wear certainly made a few clothing purchases without first trying it on. You don’t want to … Continue reading

So, What is a Frugalista?

While discussing frugality with fellow frugal blogger, Mary Ann Romans, I learned a brand new word. “Frugalista”. Apparently my style of frugality has a name. As I previously mentioned, in my blog ‘A different type of frugal blogger’ , my goal in life is to get things my family (especially my husband) needs, and sometime wants for as little money as possible. So, what is a frugalista? The urban dictionary defines a frugalista as “A thrift shopper who will stop at nothing to get a bargain; including trampling store employees to death. The term is a combination of “frugal” and … Continue reading