Grocery Shopping Fiasco Part I

Wednesdays are the day of the week that I go grocery shopping. Our local grocery store, which is only found in the Midwest, has a promotional perk on Wednesdays. They call it “Health Market Wednesdays” whereby any items in the “health market,” including all organic and chemical free items, receive a ten percent discount. I find that to be a great reason to go grocery shopping on Wednesdays! This particular Wednesday was not any different than most Wednesdays. I got both kids dressed and loaded into the car along with my grocery list and reusable grocery sacks. My son really … Continue reading

Frugal Grocery Food Tips

Would you like to reduce your grocery food bill significantly? Here are some great tips that are easy to follow. Wants versus substitutions It is amazing how many things in our food budget that we consider needs these days. An average grocery list for example, might include cooking spray, paper towels and a whole host of other things that are wants disguised as needs. There are so many ways to save money on your food bill, but one of the most immediate is to separate out the wants versus the needs. In the example list above, that cooking spray is … Continue reading

How to Cut Items from Your Grocery Bill

Chances are that there are things on your grocery list that you really don’t need. I’ll share some ideas and ways to cut items from your grocery bill that will lower your costs without drastically changing your lifestyle. Some items we tend to purchase for convenience or out of habit when it fact, these items really aren’t adding much to our lives. Sometimes the convenience is a matter of an extra minute to five minutes out of the day. To me, that just isn’t worth a large grocery bill. Here are some examples. Paper towels Purchase reusable handiwipes, absorbent dishtowels … Continue reading

Beware of the Grocery Store Sales Aisle

Most grocery stores these days feature a sales aisle where you can conveniently shop all of the sales at once. While this seems like it could be so convenient, you just run in and pick up the sales and then go before you are tempted to buy anything else, it can actually sabotage your grocery budget and make you spend more. Her are my reasons to avoid the sales aisle at all costs. Oh the Temptation Hey did you notice that crackers were on sale? You just can’t pass that one up, even though crackers weren’t on your list. The … Continue reading

Five Little Grocery Shopping Tricks: The Limit Sale

Have you been wondering why your grocery bill seems to be increasing every month? Maybe it is because you don’t know about these five little grocery shopping tricks. Grocery stores often use different marketing techniques to get you to spend more than than you planned to spend. don’t be sucked in to the madness. Know ahead of time just what the store is trying to do so you would stay from your budget. In this series, I’ll go through the five little grocery shopping tricks and tell you all about them, including how to avoid having the store take advantage … Continue reading

Coping with the Grocery Shrink Ray

Did you know that your groceries may be shrinking? Yesterday, in Beware of the Grocery Shrink Ray, I talked about how many manufacturers are shrinking the amount of product in their packages, making them more expensive. This shrinkage, as I mentioned earlier, can also cause problems with recipes and meal planning. Here are some of the practices I do to cope with the shrink ray. Many packages are shrinking just in time for back to school. These include items, such as peanut butter, frozen waffles, etc. Harried parents need to pick up these items quickly to prepare for the hectic … Continue reading

New Grocery Shopping Techniques (2)

I have definitely changed the way I do my grocery shopping. The rise in food and gas prices and the frequent changes of the prices of everything has made the old grocery shopping habits to save money just not work anymore. In the previous article I shared some of my new strategies. Here are the rest. (If you missed the first part of this article, click here: New Grocery Shopping Techniques. I skip the coupons. The newspaper recently raised their cost to $1.75 for the Sunday edition, and the coupons in it have been pretty skimpy. Because I am not … Continue reading

New Grocery Shopping Techniques

Have you changed the way you grocery shop lately? I know that I have. Rising food prices and gas prices have certainly caused me to make some adjustments. For example, grocery prices on many items are changing so fast that keeping a traditional price book that is based on cycles of sales is no longer useful. Instead, shopping can be more of a guessing game or like playing the stock market. Will $4.99 be the lowest price for flour? Should I stock up now or wait for it to go lower? Will it rise even more? You see what I … Continue reading

Combining Different Parenting Techniques

No doubt that you, like most parents, have quite an arsenal of parenting tips and techniques. It does not seem to take long for the average parent to get quite a toolbox to access whenever something pops up with one of their children. Many of us don’t think of ways to shake things up, however, and we can become quite predictable. This can give our kids a better chance at figuring us out and getting a step ahead. Instead of always pulling out the same techniques and consequences for the same misdemeanors, how about mixing things up and combining techniques … Continue reading

A Selection of Meatless Meals

Incorporating some meatless meals into your regular menu can reduce your grocery food bill. Most of the commonly high priced items in the supermarket for the average shopper are all meat products. It gets even worse when the meat is part of a prepackaged or pre-cooked meal. But trying to plan out a variety of meatless meals is the key to keeping the family interested and not crying out for steak. Many people envision a meatless meal to be a bunch of vegetables just sitting there on the plate. But there are so many options today for yummy and cheap … Continue reading