Tips for Managing Your Scrapbooking Organization

Traditional scrapbookers have a lot of stuff. There’s all that paper that needs to be stored. And then there is all the pens, markers, inks, ink pads, stamps, embellishments of every shape and size. It can be overwhelming when you are trying to figure out how to store or organize it all. Not to mention it can be expensive. Recently I have undergone a massive overhaul project of sorting, purging and organizing my stash. I own my own home business, so I need the space to make room for the new stuff I must carry and create with. Here are … Continue reading

Why Being Organized Saves Money

You have heard it said before, and I am sure it will be said for eternity, or as long as people are interested in saving money. Being organized helps to save money. While there are certainly dozens of reasons and ways that being organized can save you money, I’d like to share a personal story about exactly why I need to be organized in order to save money. Spring cleaning always starts in February for me. Simply because by February, I am so sick of cold weather and so tired of looking at my four walls that it’s time to … Continue reading

Save Money By Starting a Meal Making Co-Op

Organizing a meal making co-op will save you loads of money every month. There are several different “types” of co-ops that can be organized, however I have already share one earlier. I will now explain how to create a meal making co-op with neighbors, friends or family. Meal Co-Op A meal co-op has several ways it can work. The best way I have found is for each family to create a list of their families favorite meals. Provide this list to each member of the co-op. A vote is taken on each meal, from each list as to whether all … Continue reading

Can You Be Too Frugal (2)

There is no such thing in my mind, as being too frugal. In fact, when you look up’s definition for frugal, they pull from other resources to get several definitions. The third listed is my favorite, cited from WordNet. frugal adj : avoiding waste; “an economical meal”; “an economical shopper”; “a frugal farmer”; “a frugal lunch”; “a sparing father and a spending son”; “sparing in their use of heat and light”; “stinting in bestowing gifts”; “thrifty because they remember the great Depression”; “`scotch’ is used only informally” Why do I love this definition so much? Because it points out … Continue reading

Can You Be Too Frugal? (1)

Very often I hear about how frugal I am. And the statement or question, I hear the most often is “Can you be too frugal?”. I choose to address this question, simply because there isn’t a definitive yes or no answer. And because I plan to do a series of articles revolving around organizing all the frugal things you save. A question came in recently that was quite unusual from my typical frugal living questions. I was asked “Why do you choose to write organizing articles in the frugal living area?”. That is a great question actually, and I’d love … Continue reading

Getting Organized

Keeping your scrapbook supplies organized is not only a good way to save money, but it also helps keep your children safe. My young daughter is attracted to my colorful scrapbooking tools like a moth to a flame. She loves getting her hands on stickers, stamps, buttons and ribbon. However, her favorite items are my sharp tools, especially my collection of “fancy” scissors, which she likes to steal and use to cut her doll’s hair. By keeping my scrapbook stash organized and out of reach I don’t have to worry about her getting hurt. Consider placing very small embellishments that … Continue reading

Easy Tough Love Tips for De-cluttering

While getting rid excess stuff seems like an easy thing to do (just start in one place and keep going), for many of us de-cluttering is tough to do. From not knowing where to start to having an emotional attachment to our stuff, we can be our own worse enemies when it comes to having an organized home. One thing that may help in your de-cluttering efforts is to practice some tough love with yourself. Practicing tough love means that you establish certain rules for yourself and then follow them most of the time. Notice I said most of the … Continue reading

Prepping the Family Room

One of my tasks today is to pack up my books from the shelves in the family room. This is because we are going to do some quick updates in the family room in the next couple of weeks. We haven’t abandoned the kitchen by any means. But while we are still reviewing our options, we can take advantage of the time to get some work done elsewhere. The motivation behind going ahead with the family room is the carpet that will be installed in a few weeks. To save money, we are going to pull out the old vinyl … Continue reading

Frugal Organizational Articles

In honor of our annual fall cleaning and organizing at our home, I thought I’d provide a great set of articles to get you motivated and to think creatively on how to organize your own home. We are not like the traditional family where we do Spring Cleaning because with such a large family, we really have to do seasonal cleaning. This takes part four times a year, and the fall is upon us and that is when we re-evaluate our methods for organization and see what is working or not working for us. During the month of September I … Continue reading

Scrapbooking Week In Review for June 11th to June 17th

The Scrapbooking Week In Review is full of the latest and greatest scrapbooking articles, posted in the past week in the Scrapbooking Blog. You can find information on so many different techniques, tips, information, and ideas, so your scrapbooking can go to the next level. This is what has been going on this week in the scrapbooking blog. Monday June 11th Beginning the week as usual, is the Week in Review for June 4th to June 10th. You can find the articles that were posted that previous week, just as you can with this one. Next, due to my own … Continue reading