Another Bargain Glass Cleaner

Here is yet one more way to get your glass cleaned without spending your money on commercial cleaners. I’ve talked about glass cleaners before, but I recently discovered a new technique that creates a glass cleaning solution that is as good or better than anything you can find out on the market. I do clean my windows with a vinegar solution because it works well, as well as some of the other methods that I have mentioned in the past. But for a glass cleaner that is really strong and acts just like Windex but without the blue coloring, I … Continue reading

Poor Man’s Glass Cleaner

If you want to save money on glass cleaner, read this article! As you know from following this blog, I’ve written about the wonders of vinegar for cleaning glass. It is economical and does not contain any harsh chemicals. There is so much concern today for fumes and VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds). Some studies have found that these types of cleaners can cause respiratory problems and skin problems. I also like vinegar because it is one of those products that have multiple uses, which is really nice. There is less clutter and less expense. However, I do recognize that not … Continue reading

SC Johnson Comes Clean

In a day and age when many people are wondering exactly what is in their cleaning products, SC Johnson has decided to come clean with their ingredients list. Last week, the company launched the website WhatsInsideSCJohnson. The website lists the 200+ ingredients found in the company’s products, including Drano, Shout, and Windex. You may be thinking “So, what’s the big deal?” Well, green activists are pleased because one of their major complaints is that companies such as SC Johnson don’t make full disclosure of the ingredients used. I guess this leads to suspicion by the activists that the some of … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: November 12th Through November 18th

We have been in the kitchen a lot this week in the Frugal Living Blog. I suppose this is only appropriate, given the fact that Thanksgiving is almost here. We’ve also covered some gift ideas, so we can get started with the holiday season. How do you have a frugal holiday? November 12th Poor Man’s Glass Cleaner If you want to save money on glass cleaner, read this article! Cold Weather Comfort Just because you are following a frugal lifestyle doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the cooler weather. And of course, the holidays are coming up. The frugal living blog … Continue reading