Saving Money On Your Pets

Having a pet is never cheap. In fact, according to recent statistics an average pet owner of a domesticated cat or dog, with absolutely no illnesses during the course of a year, will spend upwards of $1000 on maintenance alone. That’s a lot of money! While there is no such thing as a free pet, there are ways to save when it comes to having a pet. Shelters Adopt your new pet from a shelter, rather than a pet store. The difference in cost between the two is unbelievable, as well as the fact that the pet is just as … Continue reading

Precious Pets for the Perfect Price

Deciding to purchase a pet can be overwhelming. There are so many factors to consider, such as type, size, price, and long term costs. But this isn’t about anything more than getting a perfect pet at a perfect price. This of course, assumes that you have already decided what type of pet you might like. So how do you get the prefect pet for the perfect price? Easy. Visit your local Humane Society or pet adoption center. Their costs are much cheaper than pet stores and they don’t pull animals from puppy mills. In addition many extra things are included … Continue reading

Shop Locally This Saturday For Great Deals

At this time of year, financial decisions are aplenty. How much to spend on gifts, and for whom? What should those gifts be, and where should we buy them? There are many options and it can be hard to choose. Within the coming week, there are the two well – known holiday shopping deal days, Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Today I would like to tell you about the other great (but lesser known) source of holiday deals that is sandwiched in the middle. Small Business Saturday is this coming Saturday, and you can get all kinds of things your … Continue reading

Puppy Mill Bust in Virginia

Hillsville, Virginia was declared a disaster area in early November. Why? County officials had seized more than a thousand dogs from a mass breeding farm (also known as a puppy mill) on November 2nd. The initial count went up after a few more litters were delivered, leaving Carroll County, Virginia with more than 1100 dogs on their hands. The Humane Society of the United States spent five months working undercover at Horton’s Pups before asking county animal control officers to take action. The breeding farm is thought to be the largest puppy mill ever. The operation sold purebred dogs to … Continue reading

Easy and Inexpensive Flea and Tick Elimination

It’s that time of year again, where the ticks seem in abundance and the fleas are jumping all over the yards. They might be there all year round, but in some areas they seem to crop up worse in the Fall months. Chalk it up to the cooler weather or blame it on the fact that we spend more time outdoors when it’s not scalding hot. No matter what the reason, they are there. Waiting. But there are some ways to combat the problem. Not only can you effectively eliminate fleas and ticks for a fraction of the cost of … Continue reading

More Frugal Ideas For Pet Care

Pets are our friends, our companions and our family. There are very few short cuts that can be taken in pet ownership without jeopardizing their health and well-being. But there are a few things you can do that promote good health and can save money by just changing the way you do a few things. In a previous article: Learn To Be Frugal With Pet Health Care, I mentioned ways to save on your Veterinarian and visits, along with Vaccinations. These are things that you must do to maintain a pets health, but there are still other ways to save … Continue reading

Learn to Be Frugal With Pet Health Care

Saving money on a pets health, is a difficult chore. Health care costs for our feline and canine friends tends to get rather high over the course of their lives. But when you get a pet you are committing to care for them in sickness and health, regardless of the cost. And there are very few short cuts you can take when coming to health. Some items just have absolutely no substitutions. Or do they? There certainly are ways to keep health costs down when having a pet, even if there are some things that just have to happen and … Continue reading

At Home in Mitford — Jan Karon

At the time “At Home in Mitford” was published, high drama was the trend in literature. Car chases and dead bodies, abuse and neglect, drug addiction – these were the themes that seemed to drive what the so-called experts would call real literature. But then along came this gentle book by Jan Karon, a book with no gun fights, no swearing, no elicit doings of any kind, and it set the literary world on its ear. How could a book without the tried and true hooks draw such a crowd? The answer was simple. People were tired of gun fights, … Continue reading