Frugal Living Week in Review: March 3rd Through March 9th

Do you know why it is so much easier to spend today than it was a few years ago? If not, you’ll want to read through last week’s articles. We have also covered a lot of new ideas, from reusing items to creating frugal meals for your family. March 3rd Whole Turkey Versus Turkey Breasts: Cost Comparison In an article from last week, I talked about the great value of a whole turkey. One question that came up was about buying turkey breasts instead, for a family that won’t eat the dark meat. So, I thought I would do a … Continue reading

Reasons We Spend Today: Social and Economic Cues

Consumers spend more today in our daily living than they did just a few short years ago. There has been a shift in priorities related to saving and spending money, making it harder than ever to be frugal and out of debt. We have been talking about some of the reasons that we spend more today. If you missed those earlier articles in this series, you can read them here: Reasons We Spend Today: Availability and Reasons We Spend Today: Buying Power. Now we will look at one of the bigger reasons that we spend today: our social and economic … Continue reading

Reasons We Spend Today: Buying Power

Do I believe that it is easier to spend now than it was a few years ago? Absolutely. I’ll be going through some of the reasons for that opinion. In the previous article in this series, we talked about how the increased availability of good and services leads us to spend more today that we ever had before. If you missed that article, you can click here: Reasons We Spend Today: Availability. Now, let’s talk about another big reason that we, as consumers, tend to get in over our heads, spending more on things than we can afford. Increased buying … Continue reading

Reasons We Spend Today: Availability

Did you know that there are tons and tons of statistics that show that most Americans carry a good deal of debt and modern families can’t seem to keep their heads above water. And analysts predict that this is only going to get worse this year. Yes, the recession and the real estate down turn have something to do with our financial states, but most of the debt that we have incurred as individual families in a nation has to do with our spending habits. According to these statistics and analyses, we spend much more than we did just 10 … Continue reading

Is Shopping at Wal-Mart Frugal?

Wal-Mart has the image of being a store where there are “always low prices,” but is it really frugal to shop there? In general, I have to say no. Here are my reasons and how you can get around a Wal-Mart policy that could cost you an extra 25 percent. Low Prices When They Want Sure, Wal-Mart does advertise some low prices on hot items. But you need to shop smart. There are two things that can go wrong. The first is the fact Wal-mart may be misleading when it comes to these hot prices. They may only be available … Continue reading