Text4baby Helps Moms Get Critical Health Information

It has been said that there is an app for everything. While some apps are purely for entertainment, others are designed to provide useful information to a select group of people who can benefit from it. Such is the case with Text4baby. It helps moms to receive critical health information about their babies. Text4baby is available through the App Store. Compatibility requires iOS 6.1 or later. It is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. Android users can get the Text4Baby app from Google Play. The Wireless Foundation and participating mobile operators support Text4baby. All messages that a mom or … Continue reading

Help Kids to Save with a Fun Fund

As adults, we often think of saving as something necessary and the responsible thing to do. We save up for things such as a new furnace or braces for one of the kids. Once in a while we will also save for something fun, such as a family vacation, but we often go about it with our usual boring adult selves–we plan, we save, we move money to a vacation account. These techniques, the ones we have learned over the years and now practice, however, don’t usually work with kids. For them, saving has to be visual and fun. Help … Continue reading

Dealing with Your Triggers

In my last blog I talked about knowing your triggers…the things that cause you to slip from making healthy food choices or staying consistent with exercise. I mentioned that sadness is my trigger for eating the wrong things and stress for failing to exercise. Hopefully you have taken the time to really consider what it is that triggers your lack of consistency. It can be the biggest detriment to living a healthy, fit lifestyle. Recognizing those triggers is just the first step. You now have to do something with that knowledge. You should come up with some helpful ways to … Continue reading

Need Help Sorting Heirlooms From Trash?

Many genealogists can rattle off a list of the most important heirlooms that have been passed down in their family from one generation to the next. It isn’t so easy to make decisions about the importance of items stored in your basement, or in your relative’s attic. There is at least one company that can help you sort those things. Family heirlooms are a treasure. Part of what makes them so special is that they are tangible. It is nice to hear stories about how your great-great grandmother used to cook wonderful family dinners using a particular cooking pot. It … Continue reading

Helpful Hints to Help Kids with ADHD at Christmastime

The closer we get to Christmas, the more excited most children will become. Parents of children who have ADHD need to be able to separate the myths about this disorder from the facts. There are certain things you can do to help your child cope with the holidays. There are some myths about ADHD that your relatives may mistakingly think are facts. December is a month that typically involves lots of family gatherings. Parents of kids who have ADHD might want to be prepared to gently educate their relatives about their misconceptions about this disorder. Studies show that there is … Continue reading

Creating Community: Helping Others

What do you think of when you think of the word charity? To me it brings to mind little boxes where I put my small change. But what if charity meant more than that? What if your children grew up with a broader concept of charity, one that means helping others when they need help? Modeling helping behavior is one activity that I want to do with my child. I want my child to grow up understanding that people help other people, and not just those in your immediate family. I want her to understand that it is just fine … Continue reading

Using Your Phone To Clean Your House

I am not technologically savvy, I can’t even work Netflix. If it wasn’t for my daughter I would never be able to watch a movie. Recently I needed a new phone, the old one was so scratched up that I couldn’t even read the screen anymore. Off we went to our cell carriers store and out I walked with a smart phone. The first week I had it I could barely figure out how to place a call, over the last month I’ve gotten better. I’ve been able to use the calendar to keep track of my schedule and that’s … Continue reading

Creating Energy Saving Habits

Creating energy saving habits is a good idea. As you know, habits can be hard to break. This means that once you establish an energy saving habit, you will get into the zone where you practice these habits automatically. Saving energy and money, too, will be effortless. Set Reminders At first, you’ll need to remind yourself and the other members of your family to practice good energy saving habits. One way to do this is to set reminders all around the house. You can do this with sticky notes or paper and painter’s tape. Some reminders that you want to … Continue reading

Sweating the Small Stuff

Although self-help books are often referred to as “pop psychology” and are discounted by many in the mental health field, there is often something to them. Richard Carlson was the author of “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff” and the series that followed. Although he passed away 5 years ago, his work still carries value for those who find themselves in a constant state of worry and stress. Sure, many of the concepts are generic and pretty easy to figure out, but sometimes we need reminders that it can be easy to let go of things when we put them in … Continue reading

Does Your Family Have Christmas Heirlooms?

Christmas involves a lot of “stuff”. There are Christmas ornaments, which seem to multiply every year. There are stockings, cards, and special wrapping paper. There are gifts to be given, and some of them might have been handmade by your grandmother. These heirlooms are a physical representation of family stories and family history, and are of special importance to a genealogist. I have several Christmas ornaments that were handmade by my grandmother. I remember watching her make some of them. There are angels made out of some kind of white, braided, craft rope, which was unraveled to make the skirts. … Continue reading