Save Your Couch Today!

Don’t throw away your couch, but give it new life with the following tips. You’ll save some money and transform that lived in look to fresh and new. Removing Pet Hair Lint roller just don’t work on pet hair. I’ve found that a weekly vacuum using a hose works really well. The key is to attacking the pet hair often so it doesn’t have time to embed itself into your fabric. For a large amount or set in pet hair, put on a clean pair of rubber gloves, and run your hands over the fabric. The pet hair will begin … Continue reading

Dishwashing By Hand

It always seems that I’m in a hurry, from the time I wake up until the time I go to sleep at night. Hurry to work, hurry home, hurry through dinner, and clean the house quickly. You name it, I do it fast. I’m not sure what I’m in such a rush for, but I’m always rushing from one thing to another. Lately with all the hustle and bustle of the holiday’s it seems that I’m in even more of a rush. So much is going on that I hardly every have any time just to be still. In an … Continue reading

Frugal Uses for Dawn Dishwashing Liquid

Dawn dishwashing liquid is a good value for the money. If you can stock up on it with coupons, even better. It lasts a long time and can be used for many different things around the house, from cleaning to first aid. No, I’m not being compensated for saying anything about Dawn. I’ve just come to rely on it for many uses around the home, substituting it for more expensive products. This keeps things frugal. You may be able to substitute other dishwashing liquids and save even more money, but I haven’t tested any others. If I can get the … Continue reading

Dishwashing the Green Way

If you have a dishwasher, you probably love the easy of adding the dishes, putting in the detergent, and letting the dishwasher do all the work for you. But, even using the dishwasher may be harmful to the environment. First of all, it would help if you had an Energy Star dishwasher. This will save on both energy (some use up to 25% less than traditional dishwashers) and water. Don’t put your dishwasher next to your refrigerator if you can help it. The heat generated by your dishwasher will just cause your refrigerator to work harder to keep cooler. Another … Continue reading

Save Money on Dishwashing

Want to save some money when you do your dishes? Believe it or not, you can save plenty of money if you wash your dishes the right way. Here are some top tips you can use to really clean up. For baked on casserole messes, don’t waste gobs and gobs of dish detergent. Simply fill the dish with water and add a fabric softener sheet. You can use one that has already been through the dryer to save even more. Let the dish soak for a couple of hours or overnight. When you come back to it, all of the … Continue reading

Simple Ways to Spend Less

I still can’t get over the results of the TODAY show’s latest experiment featuring name brand versus generic dishwashing detergent. Who knew that a low-cost store brand could go head-to-head with a powerhouse like Cascade and come out on top? I buy Cascade. Religiously. Looks like I will be re-evaluating my brand loyalty. TODAY’s consumer correspondent Janice Lieberman gave great tips on ppurchasing generic items instead of name brands whenever possible. This is advice I’ve heard before, but typically I reserve my generic buys for common staples such as sugar, flour, and bleach. I don’t usually experiment with generic brands … Continue reading

Easy Green – Part 2

Yesterday, I was listing a few easy, quick ways to go green. Here are some more suggestions: 1. Fill up the dishwasher Don’t run the dishwasher half full. Wait until you have a full load before you run it to be more efficient. If you have an Energy Star dishwasher, you will save an average of 20 gallons of water to do the full load of dishes in it rather than doing them by hand. That can average out to about 5,000 gallons of water a year. So, not only are you saving water, you also end up saving money … Continue reading

Green Resolutions – Part 2

The other day, I blogged about some green resolutions you could make to help better yourself and the world. Here are a few more suggestions. And, if you think it is too late to make a New Year’s resolution (today is the 5th after all), just remember it is never too late to go green! It is now easier than ever to go organic. Many grocery stores offer organically certified items and they are becoming more reasonably priced. Shop the local farmer’s market for delicious, locally grown fruits and veggies. And, don’t forget to try to go meatless at least … Continue reading

Excuses For Not Using Coupons

You’ve heard the excuses to keep spending more money than you need to. You know which excuses I’m talking about. The “I don’t have time to clip coupons” excuse. (It might interfere with watching tv). Then there’s the “coupons are no good anyway, the food is all processed and unhealthy” excuse. Apparently those folks have never heard of Mambo Sprouts, or the great deals you can get in store on meat, produce and dairy when you shop carefully. There’s the “you can’t really save money because those products are always more expensive” excuse. The “I only see coupons for things … Continue reading

Frugal Living: Have a Half Day

Challenge yourself to only use half of everything in your regular routine today. Not only will you save, but it may teach you exactly what you need and don’t need. What is a half day? A half day is when you go around your home or day and consciously choose to only use half of the amount of the stuff that you usually use. To keep it simple, approach each product or service and then half it to the best of your ability. By doing this for one day, you can have fun in the challenge, while learning what products … Continue reading