How to Share Restaurant Meals to Save Money

As our family grew to include five people, the bill for eating out grew as well. But there is also a benefit to having a larger family. You can take advantage of this fact to strategically share meals. Many times when my family does this together, we actually wind up with more food for less money. Think about it. When you are eating at home, you generally serve everyone the same thing anyway? With a restaurant meal, you will often have a little more flexibility and choice, but the idea is the same. Also, all of the extras that come … Continue reading

The Astronomical Price of Strawberries

Okay, by now I am getting used to the cost of food rising everywhere, but when thing rise more than 100 percent in a single week, it can be a bit intimidating. Such is the case of strawberries here in my local town. Exactly two weeks ago, I did some shopping for produce at our local farmer’s market. The prices there aren’t the best I can get, but I always know that the food is fresh and in good shape. Having to throw out produce from our grocery store lately, I figure extra price is worth not having any waste. … Continue reading

Eat Out for Free

Eating out can be very expensive, which is why I always talk about making meals at home to save money. There are some ways that you can eat out and enjoy your meal for free! Not too many people know about most of these secrets, but I’ll share them with you today. Try them out and post about your experiences. Trial Runs A great way to eat a great meal out for free is to keep your eyes open for new restaurants that are getting ready to open. Ask the manager of the restaurant when the kitchen will be doing … Continue reading

Reducing the Temptation of Eating Out

As I have said so many times, eating out can really cost you a lot of money in a year. I don’t think I can say it enough. I’ve talked about to check calculations and compare the real savings of eating home versus eating out. So many times, it seems that we eat out not as a treat or as something planned, but because we are tired, don’t feel like cooking, are too busy or think it will take less time. Let’s take that last reason, of eating out as taking less time. We may think it will, but isn’t … Continue reading

Save Money When Eating Out: Free Meals And Discounts

Now we come to the best way to eat out, for free (or at least for a discount). In two earlier articles, the original Save Money When Eating Out, and Save Money When Eating Out: Ordering Strategies, I covered many of the ways that you can enjoy a family meal out at a restaurant and still so it frugally. Go check those articles out, if you haven’t read them, yet. Stock up on the coupons. I’m assuming that with kids and a frugal lifestyle, you aren’t going to any place that is called Chez Fancy Pants. Look for coupons in … Continue reading

Save Money When Eating Out: Ordering Strategies

Need some more strategies for eating out and saving money? Here are additional ideas to help you enjoy your time away from the kitchen without breaking your budget. If you haven’t read yesterday’s article, Save Money on Eating Out, you might want to check that one out. Just click here. You don’t have to go into a restaurant and automatically order an appetizer, large entree and desert. Doing some smart ordering can save you a lot on your restaurant bill. Here are some ways to take advantage of all that menus have to offer and still pay less than with … Continue reading

Save Money When Eating Out

Eating out can be a huge hit to any budget, but you can’t cook from scratch every night, right? It is fun to eat out. But, there are certain strategies you can use to save a lot, sometimes spending less than you would on groceries for a similar meal! Lately we have been eating out a lot. With our move to a new home and all that has entailed (no water for a few day, no refrigerator for a few more and then no power, heat or electricity when we were hit with a storm). We’ve try to do the … Continue reading