Earn Money Selling Children’s Clothing

Selling children’s clothing can be an easy way to earn money! You can make your own hours and work as much or as little as you like. Whether you need an income that will allow you to stay home with children, a fun project that will earn money, or some extra cash to put toward debt, consider earning money by selling children’s clothing. How to Get Started The nice thing about selling children’s clothing is that, if you have children, you can start with the items that they have outgrown! This means that initially, there is no cost to you. … Continue reading

End-of-Summer Mom Savers

Kids in Hawaii started the new school year last Monday. Meanwhile, my pal in Atlanta just told me her kids head back to class tomorrow. Are you ready to say so long to summer? I’m not! I am dreading the back-to-school blues, including packing lunches, ironing uniforms, looking for missing shoes as the bus sits at the end of the driveway, and fighting with kids about going to bed when the sun is still shining brightly at 7:30 p.m. Still, if there is an upside to back-to-school, it’s got to be the sales. Not the ones on school supplies; rather, … Continue reading

Laundry Timesavers

Everyone is looking for a way to save time. In my mind time spent doing housework is wasted time. I could use that time to spend with the people I love or pursuing hobbies I enjoy. So I’m always looking for ways to streamline, to get things done. These tips may not make for perfection, but they will be good enough. I’m going to start with laundry. From the dirty clothes hamper back to the drawer or closet there are little things you can do to save time. The first thing I do is sort the laundry as I go. … Continue reading

Pile Up Your Laundry (And Save)

Do you need an excuse to let your laundry pile up until it is what is affectionately known in our house as Mount Washmore? If you would rather procrastinate until the last pair of underwear is worn and the favorite sweater hasn’t been seen for a month, then keep reading. I have a great reason for letting your laundry pile up to the ceiling. You’ll actually save money. Yes, I know that there are some of you out there who are shuddering right about now. After all, what would FlyLady say? What about those teams of certified organizers? Doing one … Continue reading

Fold Those Clothes to Save

Sometimes it is the little things that can help you save money, sometimes without you really realizing it. Taking care of items can help them to last longer, of course, but did you know that folding certain items of clothing can actually keep them looking good and extend their life? So throw those hangers away, or at least save them for certain items while you fold others. There are two ways that folding clothing can extend its life. The first is that it puts less pressure on the clothing fibers than does hanging. You can easily stretch out a top … Continue reading

Making Ironing Easier

Some people hate ironing, while others don’t mind it at all. Whichever the case for you, there are ways to make the task easier. Just follow some simple techniques and preparations, and you’ll be done in no time. Remove any clothes to be ironed when they are slightly damp. Fully-dried clothes have fully-dried wrinkles set in, so a slightly damp garment is easier to iron. If you use a machine dryer, set the timer or setting to leave the clothes slightly damp. If you line dry, shorten the time that the clothes hang and check them every so often. Then … Continue reading

Iron in Bulk to Save Money

Did you know that the way you iron can save you money? It is true. No, it won’t save you tons and tons, but one thing I learned from reading that old encyclopedia of frugal, The Tightwad Gazette, is that every little thing counts. Every little change you make that can help you save your pennies can contribute to your frugal lifestyle. And pennies get together and grow up to be dollars, someday. So here is just another area where you can keep more of your pennies for yourself instead of spending them. Have you heard of the organizational guru … Continue reading

The Color of Your Sheets Can Save You Money

In a previous article about saving on luxury bedding, I talked about how you can get amazing sheets that make you feel indulged. Now, I want to share a secret that I have learned in my years of taking care of a household; the color of your sheets can actually save you money. Don’t believe me? Here is how I do it. The biggest way that I save money on sheets is to buy them in one color: white. White sheets save us money in so many ways. The first way is by being far more long lasting than other … Continue reading

Save Money on Luxury sheets

Being frugal doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy the good life. Indulgent sheets are one way to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle. The good news is that with a little advice, you can enjoy great bedding while still being on a budget. I was first introduced to the world of amazingly soft sheets on a weekend stay at a lovely little bed and breakfast in Newport, RI. Everything about the bed was amazing, from its four poster design to its piles of warm, downy comforters. But the sheets, of course, were the most memorable. This was in the days before the … Continue reading

Save Money While Not Ironing

In the previous two articles in my ironing series, I have been sharing ways in which I save money when I iron. The tips, tricks and strategies that I use when ironing have been saving me money for years, and have contributed to my frugal lifestyle. As I mentioned in one of those earlier articles, I can sometimes really enjoy ironing. At the same time, there are plenty of other things I would rather do. Believe it or not, there are ways to avoid ironing and still have nice wrinkle-free clothes. No, I am not talking about using the dry … Continue reading