Frugal Meal: Breaded Chicken

I cringe when I think about how much money I’ve spent over the years for pre-breaded chicken, including chicken nuggets, when breaded chicken is so easy to make at home and costs so much less than the prepared kind. Your own breaded chicken can be prepared ahead of time and placed in the refrigerator for a day or two, just like the expensive kind you will find in the refrigerated section of the supermarket, or cooked ahead and then frozen for convenience. You can also take your savings to an even higher degree when you use your own bread crumbs … Continue reading

Saving Money on New Year’s Parties

Even if you are planning a potluck for your New Year’s Eve bash, hosting a get-together of family and friends is going to cost you. Fortunately, there are ways you can serve up a memorable shindig without breaking the bank. The key is to employ some basic tips on cooking for a crowd that won’t sacrifice flavor for frugality. For starters, you’ll want to invest in affordable appetizers. If you can get guests to fill up on snack food, they will be less likely to devour five helpings of the main course. Some affordable snacks include: chips and salsa, cheese … Continue reading

Saving at the Farmers Market

Shopping at a farmer’s market can be great for both your health and the earth. Where else can you get organic locally grown food, homemade baked goods, fresh juices and more? The only problem with farmer’s markets is that they are usually a bit pricey. Without the bulk power of the supermarkets, and with less processing of the food, you can generally expect higher prices. The good news is that there are ways to save money at the farmers market, so the food you buy there is not any more expensive than the food you buy at your chain grocery … Continue reading

Make Your Breadmaker Work for You

Even with the rising price of flour, having a breadmaker can be a very frugal thing, provided that you use it well. Of course, you can save lots of money by making your own breadmaker, but I personally find that it is a good investment because it really helps me fit home made bread and even freezer cooking into my busy day. Here are some tips that well help you make your breadmaker work for you. First of all, if you have a breadmaker, use it. There is nothing worse than an idle appliance. Be realistic. If you don’t use … Continue reading

What to Do with Bread Tabs

A little bit ago, I shared some ideas for reusing odd things around the house that were featured in the Tightwad Gazette. One of those items was the humble little bread tag. You know what I mean? A bread tab is the rectangular piece of plastic that is used to secure commercial loaves of bread in their plastic bags. Bread tabs are plentiful and, of course, they are free with your bread purchase. We already know of two uses for the bread tab. The first is as a stitch counter when knitting or crocheting. The tab has that convenient little … Continue reading

Saving Bread Ends

With bread prices going through the roof (I spotted a small loaf of oatmeal bread in the store here for a whopping price of $3.69!) you might not have the luxury of tossing those bread ends–you know the ones with all of the crust? Personally, they don’t bother me, especially when they are homemade (I’m making a loaf of oatmeal bread as I type. It will cost mere pennies). But, I do know many people who toss these ends because no one in their family will eat them. If that is the case in your family, you might want to … Continue reading

New Uses for Bread Bags

Thanks to the great deals at the bakery thrift store, we have been buying a lot of bread for sandwiches and toast. I have been saving the bread maker usage time for rolls, quick breads and pizza dough. As a result, we are quickly accumulating a lot of bread bags. I thought it might be a good idea to share some ideas for reusing bread bags. Some of these ideas we use in our own home, some ideas I researched, and some ideas were given to me by friends and readers. Do you have an idea that doesn’t appear here? … Continue reading

Breadmaker Breakdown of Savings (2)

In the previous article, Breadmaker Breakdown of Savings (1), I started talking about a breadmaker can be a great small appliance for saving money. Making bread is fun and frugal, but there are also so many other foods that can be made in it. Sometimes this depends on the features that the breadmaker model has, but anything having to do with dough can usually be made in even the most basic models. Here is a continuing breakdown of the savings that you can expect when you use your breadmaker. These prices are based on what is in my area. You … Continue reading

Top Tree Trimming Trends

What are the hottest looks that will be decorating trees this season? Here are some of the most popular ideas that we have been spotting around the country. Wide Ribbon One trend that is new but at the same time timeless is using wide ribbon (usually in a shimmery gold or silver) to decorate the tree in place of tinsel. Not only does this give an elegant look, but the ribbon is much more kid- and baby-friendly than that tinsel. Color coordinate the rest of the tree with the overall look in your room. Black and White From a really … Continue reading

How to Save Money on Bread

In our house, bread really is the staple of life. We are huge carbohydrate freaks, even in a world where going low “carbs” is normal and expected. Of course, we try to eat mostly the good stuff, the most nutritionally dense, such as enriched pastas and whole grain breads. Perhaps it is my Italian heritage, but there is no way I could see a life without lots of bread. Don’t cringe, but we probably have some sort of bread at most every meal. One of my favorite things to have is a slice of french or italian bread with a … Continue reading