Teaching Money to Kids

At a Glance: Product:  Family Mint Money Management Certification Program Ages:  10 and up.  You can begin as early as 6 year old if you use the website as well. Use:  A family tool to teach children to how to handle money properly to ensure a secure financial future. Duration:  2 months Homeschool Method:  Any.  The program includes online resources and a workbook.  If you prefer the workbook only it is all inclusive and no internet needed. Cost:  $29.99 as a special introductory offer for the 60 page workbook plus a lifetime subscription to FamilyMint Premium and online only for $24.99 a year … Continue reading

Seven Ways to Save Money on Everyday Expenses

Minimize the cost of running your home when you use the following tips to save money on those everyday expenses. 1. Combine services It isn’t only your cable service that offers bundling. Once you are done combining your Internet, phone and cable television into one package, move on to other services that be combined in order to save money on your monthly expenses. For example, you can combine your home and auto insurance for a lower overall rate. 2. Pay your bills on time That $5 or $10 a month may not seem like much, but in the course of … Continue reading

Saving Money on Frontline

This week it was time to buy more Frontline medication. I like to buy in bulk, as long as I can be assured that the meds won’t expire before the year is out. I selected 12-month packs of feline and canine Frontline and put them in my virtual shopping cart, and then was amazed at the price. $300? That seems like way more than I’ve ever paid for it before. When my husband came home, I asked him about it. Did he remember their flea/tick medicine costing this much, because I didn’t. He said no, although it was maybe $200 … Continue reading

Avoiding Money Traps

I’m addicted to these things, but at nearly $10 per box, I can’t afford to purchase them on a regular basis. Not just because they put a strain on my grocery bill, but if I ate as many as I wanted, I’d have to shell out additional money to purchase new pants. Mini donuts = money trap… but a dang fine tasting money trap. Thinking before you buy an item is a sure-fire way to avoid money traps. Exercise conscious spending. Before you fill fridge with cinnamon goodness or your den with pricey electronics or your kid’s room with a … Continue reading

Are You Dry Cleaning Your Money?

Here is a disturbing statistic for the frugal folk. A survey by Proctor and Gamble found that women spend an average of $1,500 a year on dry cleaning. The survey also found that about 65 percent of those items that are sent to the dry cleaner are actually washable at home. Imagine how much of a savings that you could have if you skip the dry cleaner? Plus, avoiding those dry cleaning chemicals may be healthier for yourself and your family. Here are some tips that can help. First of all, there is a difference between dry cleaning recommended and … Continue reading

Is An Internet Bank Account Right For You?

Did you ever think that there would come a time when individuals could manage their money without ever having to set foot in a bank? Even as computers began to make their way into every area of our lives, certain things like brick and mortar banks seemed like they were more or less permanent fixtures in our daily lives. However, there are now financial institutions with names like First Internet Bank, Bank of Internet USA, and Ally Bank that exist solely online. They have no brick and mortar bank branch offices. As someone who has never had an account at … Continue reading

Tips For Saving For A Rainy Day

For the past two days I have been cooped up inside because it is raining. What does this have to do with money? Well, there is always the popular saying “saving for a rainy day”. The phrase implies that it is important to set aside money now so that we will have it available when we need it later. There are many unplanned expenses that can come up, and having a “rainy day” fund can help to lessen the impact on your regular budget when, say, the hot water heater breaks or you suddenly find yourself jobless. In the current … Continue reading

Hide Your Savings

I hated to clean my room when I was a little girl. (I still do, as a matter of fact.) But one day while performing the odious task, I found a welcome surprise. I had taken a handful of quarters and tucked them away in one of my doll socks. I was delighted to find it. I wasn’t in the habit of saving money, and consequently I rarely had any. You can imagine those quarters didn’t last long once I rediscovered them. Years later, married with children, I was having the same problem. How do you save money when there … Continue reading

Saving Money with the Internet

Every frugal household should have access to the Internet because it saves money in so many ways. Here are just a few strategies that you can use to save and sometimes even make money. DIY Videos Doing it yourself can save you a ton. For example, changing a leaky washer in a faucet is simple and can save you $75 to $100 on the cost of a plumber. Take advantage of do it yourself instructional videos on the web, all for free. Grocery Coupons You can save 40 percent or more very easily when using grocery coupons. Use the web … Continue reading

Being Frugal Is A Way Of Life – New FL Blogger Intro

Finally, I’m writing my Frugal Living introduction post. Better late than never, I always say. I wanted to say hello to my fellow FL living blogger Mary Ann Romans, and all of Families.com new bloggers. Since starting with this website about a month ago I’ve been having a lot of fun writing in my various topics. Being able to share and learn is a wonderful thing. As the title of my blog today states, being frugal truly is a way of life, not just one area of it. Many times someone may start out counting pennies in the area of … Continue reading