Something for Everyone in Your Yard Sale

Do you want to boost your yard sales? Make sure that you have something for everyone in the family. This will ensure that your yard sale is the one that customers can’t wait to shop. So many time, you will see yard sale ads that mention that there is something for everyone, but when you get there, that just isn’t the case. Make sure that you have a wide variety of items and then advertise that fact with details about particular groups of items. For example, women tend to look for decorative items, children’s clothing and furniture. Men tend to … Continue reading

Selling on Craigslist

I’m starting my adventures. I feel as though I am constantly de-cluttering the house. We have three children that quickly outgrow clothes and toys and change interests. We are also taking our time to turn our fixer upper house into a comfortable home which means that furniture and other things that once fit in our old house (or was gotten temporarily) no longer works with our new plans. For example, we are turning one room from family room into a dual office and guest room, which means downsizing the bookcases (and the books) that were in there. Normally, our family … Continue reading

My Saturday Yard Sale Bargains

Yesterday was a good day for yard sale bargains for me. Our township was doing its annual yard sale day. Anyone in the town can register their yard sale, which was printed on a detailed map. That means that there were more than 30 different yard sales happening within just a few miles of our home. Because of yard sale day, many people in the town saw it as an opportunity to really clean out their houses for the first time since last year. This means that there are plenty of rock bottom bargains and a lot of interesting finds. … Continue reading

Our MultiFamily Yard Sale

Yesterday, we had a big multi-family blow out yard sale. Six different families gathered on one lawn to display our wares. It was unlike any other yard sale that I have ever done, and I learned a few things along the way. Coordinating a Multi Family Sale There are special considerations to deal with when you are trying to coordinate multiple families into your yard sale. There are a lot of positive benefits to having a multi family sale, especially if you live in a semi-rural area, such as we do. Larger sales will bring out the shoppers, and I … Continue reading