Taking Inventory Of The Freezer

This weekend I cleaned out the refrigerator, nothing earth shattering about that except that it was way over due. Once I was finished with the fridge I moved on to the freezer. There was a lot of unidentifiable stuff in there that I had to throw out. As I was cleaning out the freezer I thought about all the money I’m throwing away because I never know what I have. I go to the grocery store, fill the fridge and the freezer, the overflow goes into the freezer in the basement where I promptly forget about it. I find myself … Continue reading

Eating the Sales

One of the great ways to save money on food is to do what our ancestors did, and that is to eat what is available. These days, almost everything seems available, so we have to modify the practice a bit. To save money, we need to eat what is available and on sale. Getting creative with inexpensive food will save you hundreds and maybe even thousands of dollars per year. On our last shopping trip, there were a couple of things that were great deals. Ham was unbelievably discounted, as I mentioned in an earlier post. Taking advantage of this, … Continue reading