How to Turn Leftovers into New Meals

Leftovers never go wasted in my house. If you love to use leftovers but hate having the same thing night after night, consider employing some of the following leftover strategies. Meal one night, side dish the next One of the leftover strategies that I employ is to make a meatless dish one night and have it as a main meal. Then any leftovers can be turned into side dishes. This allows you to use up your leftovers without overloading your family with the same tastes. For example, I may make homemade baked means and serve them over rive for the … Continue reading

Sneaking the Leftovers

Using up your leftovers or having planned leftovers for meals is a great way to save money. You can use up all of the food you have through leftovers, especailly getting free meals. Also, cooking in bulk can save money and time. But not everyone is big on leftovers. Before I became frugal, I wouldn’t touch a leftover for my life. People who don’t like leftovers either avoid them because of some pre-determined idea that they won’t taste as good as the original or a feeling of being deprived, or a worry about being too cheap. Kids especially don’t like … Continue reading

Once A Month Cooking

I don’t really like cooking, I mean, I don’t hate it but it’s not at the top of my list of things I want to do after working all day. I’m always looking for shortcuts and ways to make dinner easier without resorting to packaged foods or fast food. Once a month cooking takes care of all of those things. The idea behind once a month cooking is that you do all your cooking in one day, package your meals for the freezer and then you have dinner with minimal prep work. There are many websites that will do most … Continue reading

What’s For Dinner

Sometimes, when I get home from work, the last thing I want to do is cook. We have frequent fend for yourself nights which always leave me feeling a little guilty. I know I should do a better job of planning. I want Hailey to eat balanced meals. Since dinner is the only meal we eat together it is the only chance I have to make sure she eats actual vegetables. As hard as it is for a teenager to believe, potato chips are not a vegetable. Since it is just the two of us, sometimes cooking and cleaning up … Continue reading

How to Enjoy the Holidays When You’re Pregnant

Ah the holidays… a time to take time off work, relax and enjoy your family. Who am I kidding? The holidays are probably the busiest days of the year for moms. It’s a confusing time for pregnant women especially. The abundance of food is tempting. Having two dozen family members commenting on the size of your baby bump is less than thrilling. The thought of not having to work and relaxing is great in theory, but oftentimes between all the visiting, baking, and celebrating, we end up more exhausted than we were before. My solution is actually the same regardless … Continue reading

Frugal Living Month in Review: July 2008

July went by so quickly for us! There were so many fun and frugal activities and events for us to explore, from a science camp to free movies and sand sculpting. I hope your July was equally fun and frugal. Summer is a busy time, I know. Did you miss any frugal articles last month? If so, here is an opportunity to catch up on what you missed. There are new ways to save money on food, clothing, kids, gas and more. Feel free to leave a comment on any frugal post. I read all of the comments myself, no … Continue reading

Ways to Avoid Fruit Waste

Do you want an easy way to reduce your food budget by half? Stop wasting food. Believe or not, the average American household throws away half of all of the food that they purchase. It is easier to do than you might think. In a previous blog, Ways to Avoid Food Waste, I shared some ideas for reducing the amount of food that gets thrown out in your household. Now, let’s explore even more ways. Pretty soon, you can have an efficiently run food budget that will naturally reduce the amount of money you are spending on food. My children … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: July 21st Through July 27th

We have a lot of articles on food this week, from saving money on cereal to the best time to grocery shop. Please check them out and let me know if there are any particular topics or knowledge that you would like to read about. July 21st Frugal Living Week in Review: July 14th Through July 20th What is your biggest frugal pet peeve? Is it other people who waste things? Is it the price of food? I’d love to hear from you for a future blog post. Meanwhile, in the words of Ricky Ricardo, I have some “splainin” to … Continue reading