No King at Burger King

The other day we were driving home after running an errand and Jessie wanted an apple bag. She was very insistent about it. We passed Burger King first followed closely by McDonald’s. She cried from the back seat to turn around. She was really upset in the back. As we approached Walmart she wanted to get an apple bag there because there’s a McDonald’s inside. I kept driving home and as we approached the street where we’d turn, Jessie changed to wanting to go to Tom Thumb. We have a new tradition of getting a corn dog at the service … Continue reading

Kroger Gas Savings

When we moved to Texas there was a Tom Thumb supermarket in the city where we lived. I fell in love with Tom Thumb for everything that it is but also because it’s a Safeway store. Vons was always my favorite store in Southern California and I’d often drive out of my way to go there. Like a lot of merchants, Tom Thumb has a loyalty rewards card. With the card, shoppers get discounts on items in the store. Shoppers can load additional coupons on the card too for extra savings. Coupons and in-store discounts aren’t the only savings, though. … Continue reading

Checking Your Receipts Could Save You Hundreds of Dollars

One thing that I am resolved to do this year is to check all of my register receipts right there in the store. I actually started doing this more frequently a couple of months ago and was really surprised at all of the mistakes, both the store’s and mine that were made, costing me money. Of course, I didn’t once find a mistake that saved me money, inadvertently. You would think with the law of averages that there would be at least one to average it out a bit. But there wasn’t. So, that has really strengthened my resolve to … Continue reading