Low Income Energy Assistance Program

Every year there are sad stories about people dying in the winter or the summer because they couldn’t afford to pay for proper heating and cooling. It isn’t a new problem. Did you know that before air conditioning, a large number of people living in New York City would die each summer from the heat? Those who could afford to do so would vacation in cooler locations. Those who could not just hoped for the best. Fortunately today, there is help for people who can’t afford their heating or cooling bills. The U.S. Government has a Low Income Energy Assistance … Continue reading

Surviving a Low Thermostat (4)

How are you doing today with your low thermostat? Are you feeling comfortable? If not, you can read some more of these tips that will allow you to feel warm, even if you turn the thermostat down low. I have to confess today that my thermostat is inched up. it is a whopping 67 degrees in here, much warmer than we usually have it. Today is special because of two things. One, we have an ice and rain storm happening, and I want to keep the house a little warmer in case we lose power. The other reason is that … Continue reading

Surviving a Low Thermostat (3)

We have been talking about ways to make it easier to feel comfortable while keeping the thermostat low to save on heating costs. I have found that we have been saving a lot by putting up with a cooler home this during this winter. Along the way, I’ve learned a few things that has helped us feel more comfortable. And as an added bonus, I find that our bodies more adjusted to the outdoors, so we can spend more time going for walks, playing in the backyard and exploring a local botanical garden (Yes there is still plenty to do … Continue reading

Surviving a Low Thermostat (2)

In yesterday’s article, I talked about some practical ways that you can feel comfortable in your home while keeping the thermostat down low. This can save you a ton of money, especially with today’s rising costs in home heating oil, gas and electricity. If you missed that article, you can click here to read it now. Surviving a Low Thermostat. Do you dread being cold at night? Turn the temperature up a bit at night (a degree or two) a few hours before bed. Your body may be winding down and less efficient at retaining heat. The extra heat will … Continue reading

Surviving a Low Thermostat

With heating costs being higher than ever, many of us are inching the thermostat lower and lower to save some money. There are plenty of strategies to save money on heating, such as installing a programmable thermostat, using zones heating, sealing up cracks, etc. But this blog isn’t about all of that. Instead, I’ll share some ways that you can be more comfortable in your home, even if you turn the temperature down. Just one little disclaimer. If you have anyone in your household who is elderly, sick or an infant, I wouldn’t try keeping a low thermostat. Conserve in … Continue reading

Winter Safety Tips

Winter weather can be very serious. Several parts of the United States regularly experience freezing temperatures and large amounts of snow every winter. This kind of weather may look pretty in photos, but it can be dangerous to have to live in and deal with. Here are some winter safety tips that can help keep you, and your family, safe this winter. Snow Removal Safety The National Safety Council (NSC) has some safety tips regarding snow removal. They advise that people who are over the age of 40, and who are relatively inactive, should be especially careful when shoveling snow. … Continue reading

Easy Ways to Save $50

Saving $50 is easier than you think. Here are some easy ways to get more money in your pocket. Want bigger savings? Combine more than one of the following strategies: Replace a single processed food that you normally purchase with one that you make from scratch. For example, instead of a tub of mashed potatoes or macaroni and cheese, or boxed vegetables with sauce, use a real recipe. You can still get the convenience if you take a Saturday morning to cook extra and freeze. Examine your cable bill. There may be premium channels that you can do without, or … Continue reading

Staying Warm (and Why It’s Important!)

Winter “officially” starts on December 21st for the Northern Hemisphere… but it’s cold right now here in the Pacific Northwest. With the economy the way it is at the moment, it might be tempting to try to keep energy bills lower by keeping the house cooler than you might normally like it. Here are some tips to help you keep warm if you’ve got the thermostat set low. Number one: Check doors for drafts. If you can see daylight around your door, then the cold air can get in. Think about weather stripping or a draft stopper to help keep … Continue reading

Money Saving Steps to Take When You Are Laid Off

Unfortunately, many people I know are being laid off or forced to cut their work hours and income. And if the analysts are correct, things may just get worse with more people out of jobs or finding themselves with a reduced income. So what do you do if this happens to you? The first thing you need to do to save your money is to take stock of what you have. It is important to understand your finances. Make a budget. You can learn more about that by clicking here: How to Get Your Finances in Control. The next thing … Continue reading

A Guide to Winter Bedding

I rank warm winter bedding up there as one of the top essentials to have in a home. Forget the HDTV, the new kitchen, the coffee maker. If you have warm bedding you’ll be okay. Having warm bedding can not only keep you comfortable at night, but it can also greatly reduce your heating bills. With a thick down comforter, for example, we are able to turn our heat way down at night, lower than recommended by the department of energy for energy savings. With spring approaching, it is a great time to find some end of season deals on … Continue reading