The Best Prices on Disposable Diapers Today

Sales and coupons aside, there are times when we just need to pick up diapers at the store. Often, we don’t have time to do all of the coupon cutting and sale shopping that is required for getting a good deal. Or, we find ourselves with one diaper left (an emergency situation) and we would almost gladly pay any price just to have a package of them magically appear. Stocking up when we do come across sales is often difficult to do with diapers, since babies outgrown sizes unpredictably, and then there is the matter of potty training. While I’ve … Continue reading

How to Save Money on Kids Pajamas

Do you want to cut down on your expenses? Every little bit counts, and the $50-$100 or more you’ll save every year on kids pajamas can go toward other things you need or just in savings to build up your emergency fund. With three kids, I’ve learned some tricks about saving money on pajamas. Here are my tips. Buy every other size Children grow quickly, so for pajamas, I always skip a size. because this is night time wear, the pajamas don’t have to fit perfectly. Also, most pajamas are pretty roomy width- wise, so even the smaller sizes aren’t … Continue reading

Can’t Afford Your Second (or more) Baby? Here is What Some Analysts Say

Here is just another thing that the economy affects: how many babies are born and maybe even why. Many people today are deciding to delay having another baby because of a tough economy. Some feel that they can’t afford another child. In fact, after each depression or recession in U.S. history, birth rates, that is fertility rates have gone down. Sometimes these new rates become the normal. Previous to the Great Depression, for example, the average number of children per woman was three. After the Great Depression, it dropped to two, a number that is usually more “acceptable” for families … Continue reading

Diaper Tips & Trivia

Whether you like cloth or disposables, here is everything you always wanted to know about diapers and diapering, with a few fun bits of trivia thrown in for good measure. Many parents feel a disposable diaper to judge if it needs to be changed. But unless the diaper has been on for so long that it is leaking, the weight and the smell of the diaper is a better indication of whether or not it is wet. Diaper manufacturers refer to pee or poop as “the insult.” In other words, they do studies about how much “insult” a diaper can … Continue reading

Frugal Month in Review: November 2008

November to be is the beginning of two things. The holiday season starts with Thanksgiving, and then there is winter. Despite the fact that winter doesn’t officially start until next month, the fall seems to give way to the winter in November anyway. We had a day of snow already. Here is looking ahead to December and the end of the year! November 1st Frugal Month in Review: October 2008 “Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.” – George Eliot. November 2 … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: November 10th Through November 16th

Job losses seem to be increasing to the point where I am hearing about more and more people that I know being laid off. But I am hopeful that things will turn around. Look for some future posts on dealing with some of these issues. Meanwhile, put some frugal strategies into use with the week’s past articles. November 10th Frugal Living Week in Review: November 3rd Through November 9th I am so glad that we finally got through the elections this week. Now we can move forward and pull together behind our new leaders. One way that we are moving … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: October 29th Through November 4th

Is it getting chilly where you live? The weather is certainly getting brisk here, and the heat seems to always be on. I’ve been setting the thermostat to about 64, and bundling everyone up with sweaters. I think we are getting used to the cooler temperatures, because when my husband comes home and pushed the heat to 70, the rest of us complain that it is too hot. How have you been saving money this week? If you could use some ideas, then why not take a look at all of the articles we posted here in the past seven … Continue reading