Canning Mishaps: What to Do When Your Jars Don’t Seal

For a couple of weeks, I was canning nonstop. I’d say that I’m really into canning, but that would not be telling the truth. The truth is that I am really into eating, and I really like supporting local farmers and good food. To preserve much of this food, I can, freeze, and sometimes dehydrate it. After the weeks of canning ended recently, I discovered that I had a few jars that didn’t seal properly. I also had some jars that had lost a lot of liquid. What happens when you suffer a canning mishap? You pick yourself up, and … Continue reading

Cardboard Changes Lives

The amount of cardboard boxes we discard on a nearly daily basis is overwhelming. I bring them home from Costco full of oversized boxes of food. They come in the mail packed with birthday presents for my girls, prescription medicines for my daughter with cystic fibrosis, and even the mattresses we recently purchased. We recycle them of course, but donating them to the Adaptive Design Association would have been an even better option than I could have ever imagined. To the Adaptive Design Association, cardboard creates independence and life. According to their web site, the Adaptive Design Association’s mission is … Continue reading

Teaching Flexibility to a Child Who Resists Change

Children with autism spectrum disorders, behavioral disorders, and Sensory Integration Disorders often develop rigid thinking. They want certain things done at a certain times, in a certain order, and in a certain way. Otherwise, a tantrum ensues. That’s because these special kids often feel a loss of control over important aspects of their lives. What is normal and routine for the rest of us can be difficult and frustrating for them. Imagine having your body respond clumsily when you’re trying to do work or play. Or imagine being dragged from place to place by a parent and not having the … Continue reading

A Poll of Favorite Frugal Blogs from 2007

There is a vast difference in what those that seek out frugal ideas are looking for. Some people want ideas to save money long term, some immediate and some are looking for ways to simply cut costs and live a more simple and frugal lifestyle. Several weeks ago, I contacted some frugal friends (17 to be exact) of mine. Some have frugal blogs, some are my real life friends and still others responded to my e-mail plea. I asked them to go back through 2007 (January through October) and figure out what their very favorite articles were for each month. … Continue reading

Materials Should Be Jargon-Free

Since a big chunk of my background is in marketing and public relations, I occasionally try to share tips and techniques from my “past life” with small business owners here in the Home Business blog. One of the “no nos” that can hurt your marketing and sales materials is using “insider” jargon and technical language. Keeping a keen focus on who the reader will be and making sure things can be understood, means keeping the jargon to a minimum. So, what constitutes “jargon”? Jargon is slang or terminology that is specific to a particular industry, hobby, or area of interest. … Continue reading

Using a Change Jar to Save

Using a change jar can help you save quite a bit of money. It is an easy way to save, because it does not require an extra trip to the bank, and it is a great visual reminder and motivator while you watch it continue to grow. A change jar is not necessarily a jar, however, and can be created out of anything that can hold large amounts of money. I have seen people use coffee canisters, milk or juice jugs, bulk pretzel containers, Pringle cans, and buckets. You can use whatever you want. We use an old water cooler … Continue reading

The Change Jar

In our home as well as many others, we have a jar where we keep all of our spare change. Instead of spending any of the change we have on hand, we only pay in full-dollar amounts. Even if we are charged $20.01, we will pay with twenty-one dollars and save the change. I actually enjoy getting nearly a whole dollar as change to add to our change jar. Especially when we are on a cash-only diet, this change can really add up fast. What to Use it For A change jar can be used as a simple way to … Continue reading

Homemade Cinco de Mayo Fun

Ole!  It’s almost time to fiesta Cinco de Mayo-style. Fortunately, throwing a party to celebrate El Día de la Batalla de Puebla (The Day of the Battle of Puebla) doesn’t have to cost you plenty of pesos.  Instead of heading to your local party shop to purchase fancy games and decorations, look around your house for items that can be given a Mexican twist. For example, you can pull out an old “Pin the Tail on the Donkey” game, make some minor changes with a Sharpie and play “Pin the Sombrero on the Burro.”  The Mexican hats can be sketched … Continue reading

8 Frugal Ideas for the Easter Basket

Pack those Easter baskets for less this year. Here is a list of frugal ideas you can use. Homemade Treats How about some easy-to-make homemade peanut butter cups or bunny-shaped homemade chewy granola bars. These recipes and more can easily be found on Pinterest. Homemade treats are not only less expensive, but they are also free from all of the chemicals that store-bought treats have. Coloring Books Coloring books are so inexpensive, and there are many Easter themed ones out there. The provide a nice foundation for any Easter basket and can be had for a dollar or less. Stuffed … Continue reading

The Affordable Care Act Glossary

By now, you have undoubtedly heard of the Affordable Care Act. When it is discussed, people tend to use jargon and phrases that you might not entirely understand the meaning of. Fortunately, there is an Affordable Care Act Glossary at that can help you. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (also know as the Affordable Care Act or “Obamacare”) was signed by President Obama in 2010. It is a series of health reform laws and regulations that are designed to help consumers find affordable health insurance coverage. There are a whole lot of terms that people use when … Continue reading