Easy Ways to Clean Your Kitchen Floor

Over the years, I’ve tried a number of things to keep our kitchen floor clean. For a while there, it seemed like the best results and convenience were had by the most expensive systems. Fortunately, there are ways around the expense. Try one of the following ideas. The Cheapest An old fashioned floor scrub will be the cheapest. It only requires a bucket (or just a sink), some soap and something to apply the soap, from a brush to an old towel. You have to get down on your hands and knees and scrub and then rinse the floors with … Continue reading

Wonderful Uses for Wax Paper

If your kitchen doesn’t have at least one roll of wax paper, add it to your next shopping list. There are so many great frugal ways that you can use this kitchen-drawer basic around your home. You’ll save money and space, because you can substitute the wax paper for a number of other things and save yourself from having to buy them. Did you know that wax paper can replace a funnel? You can use it to funnel everything from salt to hardware. Just shape a piece into a cone and insert the end into your jar or container. The … Continue reading

Top Frugal Blogs of 2007

I hope your new year celebration was joyous and fun! Think of all of the good things that happened in your life in 2007 and look forward to all of the good things to come in 2008! Did you save a lot of money this year? Did you put into place some frugal practices that you can keep for life? The new year is always a time for a new start. So if you have a financial goal, such as paying for a vacation, becoming a stay at home parent or just using your resources wisely, the Frugal Living Blog … Continue reading

Mop Your Floor and Save

With so many of the convenient floor cleaning gadgets, devices and services in the world, you can easily spend almost as much on floor cleaning products in a year as you do on entertainment or eating out; maybe even more than food, depending on how much you cook at home. There are disposable products that last fora few cleaning before having to be replaced, and there are machine you can by. With all of the expense, you might even be tempted to forego the floor cleaning all together. I used to know a mom of a five-year-old who never, ever … Continue reading

Flylady the Frugal Way

Have your heard of FlyLady? She is a very popular woman who teaches and supports others on how to keep a clean, clutter-free home. Through her books, tools and website, she promises to help keep you on track. I have many friends who swear by the FlyLady’s methods for maintaining their homes. I’ve even done a bit of flying myself. But is flying frugal? Well it can be. FlyLady doesn’t ask you to do anything that would break the bank, and she has hundreds of positive reviews on the merchandise she sells. But of course, I started to think about … Continue reading

The Cheap Way to Use Your Swiffer

Why spent a lot maintaining those fancy kitchen floor systems? From Clorox to Swiffer, it seems like there is always a new way to clean your kitchen floor. Here is a secret of mine. I love those swiffer wet mops. They are so much easier to use than the traditional bucket and pail, but the cleaning solution and the replacement pads can get pretty expensive. I was buying the supplies by bulk, but I was also going through those supplies pretty quickly. I started to notice that the supplies were affecting our budget, but I didn’t want to give up … Continue reading

Homemade Cleaning Recipes: Wipes

Make your own laundry detergent; prepare some homemade cleaners; make your own baking mixes.  Whatever it is that you currently buy at the store to keep your home running, from baby wipes to toilet cleaner, chances are that there is a homemade version that will save your money, be gentle on your cleaning surfaces and your family. Non-toxic cleaners are healthier and easily made. Plus, who doesn’t like saving money in the household budget? I’ve gather some of the best and complete homemade cleaning recipes and make your own blog posts on Families.com. Bookmark these posts, so you can come … Continue reading

Calculate the Real Cost of a Purchase

So often when we make purchases or other financial decision, we consider long and hard the assumed cost of an item without calculating the real cost of that item. There are all sorts of added costs that come in to play on most of the things we purchase. For example, let’s say that you purchase a Swiffer WetJet system to mop your floors. It looks like a great deal, especially with a $5 off coupon. I absolutely love mine for sudden spills and quick touch ups. But when you purchase the system, realize that you will be continuously purchasing the … Continue reading

Frugal Bug & Tar Remover

One of the most disgusting things has got to be the little bits of bug guts that can accumulate on cars and even on the windows of your home. Maybe this doesn’t bother everyone the way it does me, but I have major issues when it comes to bug guts, bug parts, bug trails, etc. The situation gets worse when those bug guts get the opportunity to bake for a couple of days in the sun. One of the first things you might be inclined to do is wash your car in one of the traditional methods, by hand or … Continue reading

Introducing Frugal Cleaning!

It is an exciting time here at the Frugal Living Blog. That is because we have a new category called Frugal Cleaning. I am so glad that we have added this, since there are so many great ways to save money while cleaning your home and your belongings. I’m sure we will be adding even more articles about frugal cleaning soon, so check back often. Meanwhile, here are a bunch of great tips and tricks to get you inspired. Clean That Bathroom for Free! Today I’m going to tell you about a free way to clean your bathroom and get … Continue reading