Tips on Buying a New Car

I bet many of you are considering trading in your older gas-guzzling car with these rising gas prices. If so, you will want to consider many financial implications of a vehicle and not simply the purchase price. A car is a purchase that will keep costing you money. Therefore, you can’t just compare automobiles based only their purchase price alone. When deciding which make and model of car to buy… remember to evaluate the following: 1. Sales Tax – Yes, in most states you will have to pay a tax on your vehicle purchase. You will also have to pay … Continue reading

Ways to Help Kids Eat Healthier

Most parents realize that a diet of soda and candy isn’t a healthy choice. What’s a parent to do if their child is a picky eater who refuses fruit and vegetables? There are ways to help kids to eat healthier that don’t involve dramatic fights at the dinner table. Jane E. Brody wrote an article for the New York Times in August of 2015. The article is titled “Another Approach to Raising Healthy Eaters”. In this article, she shares her experience as a child who was a picky eater. She provides some enlightening insights for parents who have a child … Continue reading

My Experience With Cloth Wipes

After deciding to use cloth diapers for various reasons, I decided we might as well use cloth wipes too. During my research on the subject I found that cloth wipes seemed superior to disposable wipes. I liked the idea of using only plain, warm water on my daughter’s behind most of the time, and using a gentle, non-irritating soap the rest of the time. In addition, the thought of the money we would save also appealed to me. In the last months of my pregnancy, when I was as big as a boat and unable to do much (I gained … Continue reading

Single Parents Aren’t Perfect–At Least I’m Not

I read a great deal about all the things I “should” do as a single parent. Just like any other aspect of this Western life, it’s quite easy to fall into the trap of feeling like everyone else is doing things much more fabulously than I am—other single parents NEVER say a bad word against their ex-spouse, they ALWAYS have a hot dinner on the table after working all day too. While I strive to do a decent job and am quite comfortable and happy being a single parent, I am SO NOT perfect! The fact is, I sometimes do … Continue reading

Do You Have A Defiant Child? Check Your Parenting Style

We so often read or hear about the defiant, strong-willed child and what steps we can take to get them to become more cooperative. Maybe you are the parent of one of these kids and find yourself at the end of your rope. Have you ever considered that your parenting style might be responsible for your child’s defiance? In their book, Try and Make Me!, Ray Levy and Bill O’Hanlon write about three parenting styles that just might contribute to your child’s defiance. The Defiant Parent These parents expect perfect compliance from their kids. They tell them what to do … Continue reading