4 Frugal and Free Easter Goodies for the Kids

Celebrate Easter and thrill your little ones all while still staying frugal. Like so many frugal practices, it not about doing without but in how you go about getting what you need. Even the Easter Bunny is tightening its belt these days, it seems. Here is some advice that will keep the Easter bunny on track no matter how many little ones he has to deliver to. Baskets If you don’t already have the baskets you need around your home, just get creative. An inexpensive sand bucket usually costs less than an Easter Basket and is a bonus toy that … Continue reading

Organizing the Kids Clothes to Save

When the drawers won’t close in the kids rooms, then I know that the clothes have gotten out of hand. I try hard to keep their clothes organized and to a minimum as much as possible, because in the long run, it really does save money. It is just during this transition time in between seasons, when the mornings are cool and the days are warm that the drawers and closets get disorganized. The changing season and back to school wreck havoc. Between needing new things that fit the size and the weather, and the busyness that comes before settling … Continue reading

The Frugal Guide to Organizing

Lately we have been getting frustrated with all the time it takes to corral and clean the clutter. It is inferring with keeping things simple and enjoying our days. Who wants to spend the bulk of their time taking care of their possessions, or ignoring them completely to the point where they become a problem? You probably already know that I am a fan of keeping clutter in check, but I still have plenty of hot spots where things aren’t the way they should be. Disorganization can waste money, such as when you are paying for storage, when you can’t … Continue reading

Guide to Recycling Electronics 3

In our household there are so many electronic devices that we rely on using to get through the day. But technology is always growing and changing, leaving many of our devices obsolete and in need of being upgraded or replaced. It is important to practice responsible recycling of electronics, for the health of our planet and even the health of ourselves. Let’s keep dangerous chemicals out of the mix with this guide to recycling electronics. Today, let’s talk about recycling cell phones and small electronic devices, such as MP3 players. Cell phones and small devices are some of the most … Continue reading

Guide to Recycling Electronics 2

Does your household contribute to the vast amount of e-waste (electronic waste) that has become a big issue for our environment? All of those cool devices and wonders of technology today will probably wind up in a landfill tomorrow, leaching out toxic chemicals such as arsenic and lead. One way to help the world is to recycle our home electronics in a responsible way. Today let’s talk about televisions. Most households have more than one television. And now that high definition televisions (HDTV) are available, families are eager to upgrade. At the same time, those new HDTVs will one day … Continue reading

Organizing Your Personal Library: De-cluttering Books (2)

Ready to de-clutter those books and have a great new library? If you aren’t sure where to begin when you are de-cluttering books, don’t worry. You can come along with me. I’ll de-clutter my books, too. We will take an overwhelming task and break it down into easy steps. One of the biggest obstacles with de-cluttering books is knowing what you should get rid of and what you should keep. Here are some practical guidelines to help you decide. Do you know the guideline for general de-cluttering of stuff? It says that if you haven’t used it in a year, … Continue reading

Organizing Your Personal Library: De-cluttering Books (1)

Want some easy and mostly painless ways de-clutter your books? Here are some tips that will make the job easy. De-cluttering books can be tough. I love my books, so letting any of them go can really hurt. But the reality is that if there are books scattered throughout the home, on surfaces and floors where they can get damaged, or overstuffed into shelves where they are so bent that they look like they are doing the wave, well that isn’t really love, is it? Think of your books as your collection, your own personal library. Only allow in books … Continue reading

Organizing Your Personal Library: Intro

How can you make the best use of space, find books when you need them and reduce the bookshelf clutter? By organizing of course! Keep reading for some practical tips that will help you keep your personal library of books organized and in great shape. Anyone who knows me knows that I love books. I visit the library every three weeks, I peruse used books stores and books sales and I take advantage of PaperBackSwap on a regular basis. I try to keep everything organize, because I value my books, and because organization also makes my life a lot easier, … Continue reading

The ABC’s of Frugal Living: 26 Tips to Live a More Frugal Life

The ABC’s of Frugal Living – 26 Tips to Live a More Frugal Life The frugal living blog at families.com is chock full of great information to help you live a more frugal lifestyle. We all strive to save money and the bloggers in this category are here to help. A: Amazing Dates Have a date night for less! New Cheap Date Ideas A Cheap And Fun Date Idea It’s Date Night Date Night On a Budget B: Budgeting Make a plan and stick to it. Be sure you watch where your money goes each month and try to do … Continue reading

End of Month Spending Check

Tomorrow is the last day of the month, and it is time to do an end-of-month spending check. In January, I have been focusing on groceries and food, keeping track of our spending in those areas and saving as much as I can. Writing down what I spend on each trip to the grocery store has helped. While I still don’t have a lot of coupon use, I’m paying more attention to the sales and not buying things that we don’t need, purchasing more fruit and less snacks for example. This has made a difference. I’ve also been more conscious … Continue reading