The Smelly Home Conspiracy

There is a huge market out there for home fragrance products, all of them vying for your hard earned money. The advertisements seems to tell you that if you don’t buy all of this stuff, your home will smell and you won’t have any friends. If your child’s room doesn’t smell like the scent of pineapple or a summer breeze, then you must be a bad parent. And only dirty housekeepers don’t have a home that smells like a fresh lemon or a spring day. Out of the good of their hearts, they will even give their little machines away, … Continue reading

Mobile Fragrance Communications

Instead of ring tones how about downloading the scent of a cherry pie? How about creating a playlist of comforting or relaxing scents such as an ocean breeze, spring flowers or a musky perfume? Cell phone users in Japan will be testing out a new service that allows them to download fragrances. The service is the brainchild of NTT Communications, a major telecommunications company. Twenty cell phone users will be trying out the new mobile fragrance communications service for a total of ten days by downloading files containing music or video clips and accompanied by specific scents. Scent playlists are … Continue reading

Picking Our Own Trash

Some times sweating the small stuff can add up. It all depends on your circumstances and your level of frugality. Here is one of the things that we have done this past week that could be considered frugal. We keep a large, lined, garbage can down in the basement. In this can goes dryer lint, burnt out light bulbs, and various home improvement trash. Basically, anything that isn’t food gets thrown in this garbage can. Every once in a while, when the can is looking full, I’ll go and raid it while I am waiting for the washer to fill … Continue reading

Frugal Fabric Ideas

In my earlier article about low budget decorating: Decorating on a Penny, deedee1231 left a great comment about how she repurposes second hand sheets and large drapes to make curtains. She is currently in a dilemma, though, because her daughter’s room has five windows, and she can’t find enough fabric to make all of the curtains. She asks for ideas. Well, deedee1231, I have to applaud you for your frugality and creativity with the curtains. Here are some of the ideas that I came up with that might help you find some frugal material for your curtains. Hopefully, there are … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: February 18th Through February 24th

Did you know that you can make your own butter in a bread machine? I found that information out this week from one of our readers here in the Frugal Blog. Isn’t that amazing? Inspired by that bit, I did some research on an easy way to make your own yogurt. Both ideas will save you money. There were lots of other ideas too, last week. Check them out! February 18th Saving Money on Prescriptions Have you noticed how expensive prescriptions are getting these days? I’m not sure how anyone can really afford them. I keep saying it, but it … Continue reading