Simple Tips for Taking Group Shots

I’m finally getting around to editing the digital photos I took of my daughter’s birthday party. The birthday party that her entire kindergarten class attended. It was a wild and crazy day, but I scored a ton of great group shots of the kids and some of the parents. Whereas I would have loved to have been able to afford a professional photographer for the event, knowing how to take decent group shots of a big event can help you save valuable time and money. Here are some tips I always keep in mind when shooting group shots: Consider Color: … Continue reading

Frugalista Fashions: Free Finds From His Closet

If you have been reading our frugal blog, then you know you can get free or clothes if you know where to look. Read: Tips for a Free Wardrobe One of this year’s fashion trends gives you even more opportunities to find free clothes. The boyfriend look that features “male inspired fashions” has come straight from the runway to stores near you. Of course, straight from the runway clothes equate to straight from the wallet, but at glance at this clothing trend and a trip through your husband, brothers, or boyfriends closet should net you enough pieces to keep you … Continue reading

Tips on Saving Money on Back to School Supplies

Between back to school clothes and back to school fees, it is enough to give a parent back to school blues. On top of everything else, you are required to purchase a seemingly unending list of notebooks, paper, glue, and scissors. By the time you get the actual list, all of the good stuff is gone from the stores. To make matters worse, school supplies are very expensive! A zip up binder can cost $14.00, a standard five subject notebook can cost $7.00, and crayons and markers have gone up considerably in price over the years. To make you life … Continue reading

Tips on haggling

Even the shy can haggle Before leaving Los Angeles, we were sure to spend an afternoon shopping the infamous Santee Alley. Santee Alley is in the Fashion District of downtown Los Angeles. There are thousands of clothing showrooms in the area, discount fabrics stores, and my favorite clothes and accessories. We were mostly doing back-to-homeschool shopping for my 13 year old daughter, as my son hates to shop, and the items were far too fashionable for old fogies as my husband and myself. Since my daughter was the one shopping I got her involved in the haggling process, which is … Continue reading

A New Wardrobe for Free

If you took only an hour today, I bet you could find a whole new wardrobe right in your own home! Here are some tips on how to get a new set of outfits all for free. When I read Andrea’s blog about how the 80s are back, I got inspired. Not by the 80s clothes in particular, I’ve had enough neon pink belts and acid washed jeans to last me a lifetime, but by the thought that there is usually an entire new wardrobe waiting in everyone’s closets and drawers, if only they would take the time to discover … Continue reading

Clothing Bargain Tips at the Goodwill

Shopping at a thrift store is just the first step to getting some major bargains. There are a couple of tricks to know to make sure that you walk away with the best merchandise for the least price. Use the colors to your advantage At the Goodwill, clothing is given a colored tag or plastic strip when it comes in the door and is put out onto the floor. There is a different color for each week, and the colors rotate. When it is time for the color to come up again, any merchandise that is already on the floor … Continue reading

Tips for a Free Wardrobe

When I was in college, I had a couple of girls approach me and ask if my parents owned a clothing store. I replied NO… why? They answered, we notice that you always have on a nice outfit and thought you might have a hookup. I was flattered. The truth is, that I did not in fact know anyone who owned a clothing store. Instead, I actually only owned two pairs of well fitting jeans and a few skirts. The rest of my wardrobe was from my older sister who was a bank manager. I was not afraid of hand-me-downs. … Continue reading

Home Office Tips

The home office can be one of the busiest and most clutter areas of the house. Paper just tends to collect and multiply. But just what do you file and what do you toss? Here are some quick tips to help you in your home office. Invest in a shredder for your home office. Shredding documents that contain personal information is a must to protect against identity theft. Many people just throw away credit card offers, but those offers can be as candy to a theft who wants to use your credit. Tax returns need to be kept forever. Any … Continue reading

New Year’s Resolution: A Clean and Clutter-Free Home

The end of the year is a perfect time to redo all of those problem areas of your home to transform it to a clean and clutter-free environment that you can enjoy for the upcoming year. If you start now and do a little bit at a time, you’ll soon be on your way to having a home you love to spend time in. It is all a matter of trashing and stashing; that is, getting rid of the thing you don’t need or want and finding places for all of the things that you do. We’ll take it one … Continue reading

Ten Tips to Save a Bit Extra

This may sound like a New Year resolution list, but actually it is the little things I’m going to do so I can save a bit extra money and stretch it really far. My goal is to pay off our debt and still have fun doing it! 1. I’m going to cook at home more – starting with celery, onions and garlic I can add ingredients for home made spaghetti sauce, soups or Mexican dishes – for the whole week! It doesn’t take too much extra planning if I just think about it before I hit the grocery store. 2. … Continue reading