Tissues for Less

With the cold and flu season coming on, it is a good idea to keep an eye on how much you may be spending on tissues. I bet you never stopped to think about it, right? Well, read this article to find out all about how you can save on tissues. Square versus rectangle You do actually get fewer tissues in a square box than you do for a rectangular box, and you’ll be paying more per tissue. That is because most people prefer the square boxes for their compact size. There are about half the amount of tissues. If … Continue reading

Save Money During Cold and Flu Season

Cold and flue season can not only lay you out, but it can also make your monthly budget “sick.” There are doctor visits, expensive prescription medication, over the counter medication, tissues, special food, extra heat and other unexpected expenses that can crop up. Don’t forget about the expense of missing work or special “sick” child care facilities if needed. So, how can we make cold and flu season have less of an impact on us and on our wallets? Read on. Prevention First Obviously, if we can prevent getting sick in the first place, we’ll not only have a better … Continue reading

Don’t Ignore Allergies

Allergy season has officially hit at the Williams’ house and it is definitely not very fun! Our days are filled with runny noses, sore throats, and itchy eyes. Tissues are in short supply and it tends to make us both a little grumpy. It can be easy to mistake your child’s sniffles for the common cold, but if the symptoms persist for more than a couple weeks you may want to talk to your pediatrician about the possibility of testing for allergies. If left untreated allergies can make children more susceptible to ear and sinus infections and can even cause … Continue reading

When Your Cat Eats Furniture Foam

One of my first articles on the Pets Blog was about my dog and cat; I called it, “Cats and Dogs Really Can Get Along.” Another early article I wrote was: “Dogs and Toddlers: The Uncanny Similarities,” listing ways in which care for dogs and tiny humans can seriously overlap. I should write a piece that combines the concepts from both these articles: “Cats and Dogs Really Are Quite Similar.” It’ll chronicle my experiences as a simultaneous owner of both cats and dogs, and how alike they can be. Cole and Chihiro especially seem to have learned habits from each … Continue reading

The Importance of Touch

My husband just returned to work after 3-4 days home sick with a fever. I doted on him for the duration. I didn’t do it because I thought it was the wife’s role, but because it’s what I’d expect anyone to do if a person they loved was ill. I expect similar dedication from Jon when I’m not feeling well. Copying many of the nursing habits my mom employed when my brother and I were sick growing up, I made him endless cups of tea: Echinacea, cold care, green tea with honey. I froze juice and made slushies for him. … Continue reading

Sorry Junior, the Economy is Hurting

According to a recent report by Bankrate, 49 percent of parents say that they will be spending less on Christmas gifts than they did last year. With fewer bottom basement bargains available this Black Friday (which was really creeping into Black Thursday) and parents who will be spending less this holiday, does this mean that kids will be disappointed on Christmas morning? It is easy to feel guilty or sad if you can’t get your kids certain items on their list. After all, we get the message everywhere that we go. Our kids must have the latest and greatest, or … Continue reading

Your Waist Size and Walking

People are often most concerned about their weight, using it a measuring tool to determine success. I know I am guilty of this too, but there is something else I am more concerned about- waist size. Research has show that the size of your waist can determine if you are likely to have heart disease and other health problems. Several research articles I have read encourage woman to have a less than a 35 inch waist and men to have less than a 40 inch waist. Following these guidelines can help save your heart and life. The research shows that … Continue reading

How to Organize Your Purse

At a management seminar once, all of the women were asked to pass their purse to the woman on the left who would look in it (it was an all women meeting). You could see the horror fly across the faces of each women present. When asked why the exercise made the women so uncomfortable, most admitted that rather than being embarrassed about the contents of their purses, they were embarrassed to reveal how messy and disorganized they were. Of course, there was one “perfect” soul, bless her heart, whose purse was neat and compartmentalized, but chances are that she … Continue reading

Men Don’t See

Sometimes I hear women complain about their men. A common complaint is that men don’t see things that need to be done around the house. They don’t see washing up that needs to be done, the laundry that needs to be hung out, or the floor that needs to be mopped. Of course, as women we can become so independent that we refuse to ask for help and mutter to ourselves while doing the job about how our men never see these things that need doing. A lot too, depends on the way we respond when men do decide to … Continue reading

Home Schooling Is Cheaper Than Public School

Being able to home school my girls was a choice I was glad I made. Not only could I see over their education and spend quality time with them, but it was far cheaper than public school. Back when I was a kid public school was free. Each child got their books, pencils, paper, art supplies, and many other school supplies for free. We’d even go on several field trips throughout the year, all for free as well. About the only thing my parents had to pay for was my lunch. Times have definitely changed, especially over the last decade. … Continue reading