A Poll of Favorite Frugal Blogs from 2007

There is a vast difference in what those that seek out frugal ideas are looking for. Some people want ideas to save money long term, some immediate and some are looking for ways to simply cut costs and live a more simple and frugal lifestyle. Several weeks ago, I contacted some frugal friends (17 to be exact) of mine. Some have frugal blogs, some are my real life friends and still others responded to my e-mail plea. I asked them to go back through 2007 (January through October) and figure out what their very favorite articles were for each month. … Continue reading

Plan Ahead to Save Money

Something I learned early on, while working on a frugal lifestyle, is to plan ahead. It is the only sure fire method to ensure you are actually going to save money on everything you do. Planning ahead is the ticket to see whats in the future. Making lists, creating budgets and using coupons and shopping at sales are only a small piece of the overall puzzle. Planning ahead is the key. Meals Meal planning, which is planning ahead for meals, ensures that you spend only what you have set your mind to spend on food. Knowing what you will prepare … Continue reading

Using a Change Jar to Save

Using a change jar can help you save quite a bit of money. It is an easy way to save, because it does not require an extra trip to the bank, and it is a great visual reminder and motivator while you watch it continue to grow. A change jar is not necessarily a jar, however, and can be created out of anything that can hold large amounts of money. I have seen people use coffee canisters, milk or juice jugs, bulk pretzel containers, Pringle cans, and buckets. You can use whatever you want. We use an old water cooler … Continue reading

Easy Ways to Organize the Bathroom

Are you tired of a messy bathroom? Rummaging through tumbles of things under the sink and dodging items that are falling out of the medicine cabinet is not the way to start or end your day. Just a few minutes of attention will have your bathroom organized in no time. First set aside a little bit of time to devote to your organizing. A minimum of 15 minutes is good, although you might want to dedicate at least 30 minutes to the project, so you won’t feel rushed or wind up with the organizing half done. Take all of your … Continue reading

Warning: Grapes and Raisins Deadly to Dogs Not an Urban Legend

Earlier this month a friend of mine (Lee, the dad of Mocha) sent me an email with this in the subject line: “If you have a dog…PLEASE READ!” That certainly caught my attention so I of course read it. The Warning The email was about a dog whose owners had to have him euthanized after he ate raisins, suffered raisin toxicity, and developed acute renal failure. The bulk of the email was rather technical and laced with veterinary jargon. Even so, the average dog owner could discern the gist: raisins and grapes are a big no-no treat for dogs. It … Continue reading

Pledging To Live a More Frugal Lifestyle

New Year’s resolutions are being made all over the world tonight, as we vow to make changes in our lives and goals to set for the year. Last year I made a few resolutions or goals and I stuck to them for most of the year. This made a huge difference in my decision to make new ones this year. I pledge to live a more frugal life. I pledge this exact same thing every single year. Most of my friends think it is a strange goal, since I already appear to be living a very frugal lifestyle. I pinch … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week In Review – June 4th to June 10th, 2007

Frugal Living has become an obsession lately. I seem to be telling everyone, anywhere I go, methods for saving money. I guess that’s how you know it has become a part of my lifestyle. The frugal living blog is filled with a never ending supply of terrific ideas, tips, resources and advice for living a more frugal lifestyle. If you haven’t checked it out lately, be sure and visit the Frugal Blog! This week saw everything from money saving kids crafts, to wedding ideas, with plenty of other great frugal articles thrown in for good measure. Monday June 4th Try … Continue reading

Sharing Your Frugality With Your Family

Getting your family involved or even semi-interested in your frugal ways, or in saving money, can be a huge challenge. Most of the time, significant others don’t tend to see things the same way we do. And children usually have no concept of the value of money or what saving money can mean. This can really put a kink in your plan to save money, but there are some things you can do. Put it on paper Put it down in writing. Try keeping track of your savings for a couple of weeks. Write down the money you saved by … Continue reading

Reusable Scrapbooking Storage Solutions

This week, I have been busy providing you, with some answers to storage needs, for all those scrapbooking supplies, you are having a difficult time managing. It seems, the more that scrapbooking catches on, and the more that scrapbookers learn to use supplies from other hobbies, our organizational methods need to be changed. But there is one thing, I have not addressed. As a frugal scrapbooker, trying to save money wherever I can, using things I might already have, is the key to success for me. This holds true when I am beginning to organize. Here are some ideas I’d … Continue reading

Frugal Baby Care

What are some ways that you save money with caring for a little one? Do you use cloth diapers? Would you ever consider using them? Are there any other things that you would never do to save money caring for your little one? Here are some methods for caring for a baby the frugal way. Let us know if you think some of these ideas are smart or if they border on being fanatically frugal: Ditch the Disposables Really frugal parents use cloth diapers. That is all there is to it. Apparently then, I don’t know any really frugal parents. … Continue reading