Frugal Spring Gardening Tips

You can save your money and still have a wonderful garden. It is all in how you go about it. Use the following spring gardening tips to ensure a beautiful garden for half the price. Concentrate on Perennials While annuals can give you an immediate burst of color, I like to center my gardening around perennials because they grow year after year. You can plant them once and they will return and in some cases spread with new plants for you. When purchasing perennial plants opt for smaller ones in four-inch pots. They will be less expensive. These small plants … Continue reading

Gardening: Baby-Friendly Pest Control

Summertime is here, and with it comes gardening season. If you’re like me, you love the idea of eating organic without having to pay the hefty grocery bill. Planting a garden allows you to do just that. Eating healthy is important for people of all ages, but it is especially important for babies. What could be better than feeding your baby steamed green beans, broccoli, or carrots straight from the garden? When you plant your own food, you control exactly what goes into growing it: the soil, the fertilizer, and the pest control. I’m able to plant a garden for … Continue reading

Gardening As A Whole Curriculum

Now that spring is here, most states are starting to thaw out and warm up. This an excellent time to begin a garden, no matter how small, and teach the kids about botany, art, vocabulary, water conservation, nutrition, and so much more. I’m a firm believer in getting the most bang for my buck and most use out of every moment. Each lesson you teach your kids can incorporate many subjects, not just the most obvious one at hand. Gardening is no different. The house we live in now has a nice back and front yard, but even when we … Continue reading

Frugal Container Gardening

Yes, I know that we still have a long way to go until Spring arrives, but it is okay to do a little planning and dreaming, right? Container gardening can be fun and very frugal, especially if it is food that you grow in your containers. Containers can be placed almost anywhere, even if you have only a small space to work with. You can also move the containers around to get a new look or to allow your plants to get the most sun that they need. But before you go out and purchase all of your supplies, why … Continue reading

How to Have a Campfire in the Backyard

Having a cozy campfire in the backyard is a great way to have a low-cost and fun activity that can be adapted for kids or adults. Have a campfire as a family activity, or invite the neighbors and friends for a nice social gathering. The first thing you need to do when planning to have a campfire in the backyard is to know what the rules are for open burning and campfires in your town. Some areas allow free open burning of organic material (including wood), while others limit the time of year, time of day, the size of the … Continue reading

How to Have a Frugal Garden

Every year when I talk to my husband about gardening, he gets that look in his eye and says, “You know, it isn’t going to be cost effective.” This is because although growing our own food could in fact cut our grocery bill, all that is entailed with actually starting a garden from scratch could cost money. So in dedication to the love of my life, I thought I would come up with some ways to have a frugal garden. My husband’s biggest concern is prepping an area for a garden. Because of our location, we would need fencing to … Continue reading

Books for Frugal Living

While I hope that you can get all of the frugal living advice that you need right here, it is sometimes nice to be able to curl up with a good book. I often reread frugal living books, as well as my own blogs when I need a little boost or reminder to hunker down and save some money. Rather than give you specific titles of books for frugal living, I thought that it might be more helpful to talk about which categories of books you should be looking at to help you live frugally, while many books that have … Continue reading

Making Your Garden Go Green

Although with snow on the ground and more expected, gardening should be the last thing on my mind, I am already planning ahead. The last frost will be here and gone eventually. With everything still dormant, it is a good time to start the planning for the garden season to come. Being more environmentally conscious and gardening go hand and hand. If you want to make your garden really go green this year, try taking advantage of the following tips. Start a compost pile that will nurture your plants with natural fertilizer and plenty of good food. As you clean … Continue reading

Gardening Trends for 2009

I came downstairs this morning and took a look out of my kitchen window, which looks out onto the backyard. There is a good dusting of snow covering it all. But the first thing I thought about was this year’s garden. I know that seems strange, but spring will be here before we know it, and it is time to start planning. If you are looking for some new ideas for your garden this year, take a look at the following trends. These things are all areas in which homeowners and gardeners have shown interest in 2008, according to The … Continue reading

Plan Your Garden Now

Fall and winter are great times to plan your garden for next year. The leaves have fallen and the greenery is gone, giving you an almost blank slate on which to plan your garden. It is also a less busy time for outdoor work, as the planting, weeding, trimming, cutting, mowing and harvesting are done for the time being. You can sit back and pour through your books and catalogues, in the comfort of a warm home. Planning a garden in the cool or cold weather also gives you a good perspective on what you really want. You have some … Continue reading