Does It Cost More for a Homemade Lunch?

I started out making homemade lunches for my first-born child for financial reasons. It just seemed cheaper that way than to buy lunch from the cafeteria. Years later, all of my kids still pack their lunch bags every day. They actually prefer it because they don’t have to spend time waiting in a cafeteria line or trying to decide on food they might not like. A friend of mine agrees with the preference but not with the cost. She says she winds up spending more money when her kids pack a lunch compared to when they buy it at school. … Continue reading

Frugal Is as Frugal Does

Life may be a like a box of chocolates, but for the really frugal minded, those chocolates were half price and purchased with a coupon. Pick a random group of 25 people and ask them what it means to be frugal and how they make choices to be good stewards of their money. Chances are that you will get a lot of different answers all across the board concerning frugality and saving money. It tends to mean different things to different people. I recently read an article in a national women’s magazine about a family that decided to be frugal, … Continue reading

Do It Yourself Woods Management

There is a treasure trove out there in the yard, if one only stops to look for it. We live on two acres of wooded property. Some of it is overgrown. Okay, a lot of it is overgrown. When you live in the woods, you tend to live and let live. Even the poison ivy feels comfortable here. It tells its friends, and we get some new crops spouting up each year. Still, there is only so much of this overgrown plant stuff that a former city girl can take. And so, with my limited skills (hey, I can smack … Continue reading

A Child’s Self Esteem and the Frugal Life

My daughter came home the other day from a doll playdate. The girls all brought their 18-inch dolls, you know the American Girl Doll kind. My daughter does have a real American Girl Doll, given to her on her birthday after more than four years on her wish list and some creative saving. She is fond of that doll, and has never once complained about the fact that it is her only one (it is not unusual for her peers to have three or four of these dolls as well as all of the accessories). She did complain though that … Continue reading

5 Frugal Practices That May Be Costing You Money

Sometimes even the best intentions to save money fail. Are you losing money while trying to be frugal? Here are five frugal practices that may be costing you money. • Stockpiling Do you still have cans of vegetables from 2001? Have the breadcrumbs gone stale? Stockpiling is a great way to save money and to be prepared for rising prices, but when you have half a pantry full of expired food then stockpiling is costing you money. To solve this problem, don’t give up on the stockpiling, just get a little more organized. Rotate your pantry items and keep track … Continue reading

The Frugal Cruiser

Nothing is better than setting sail on a relaxing cruise that doesn’t leave your wallet high and dry. These days you don’t have to drain your bank account to afford a dream cruise.  Instead, you can save a bundle by following a few simple money-saving tips.  For example: Size:  When it comes to financing a cruise, size matters.  Massive cruise ships that house thousands of passengers and crew members often offer a boatload of amenities that may cost you a pretty penny.  By opting for a smaller vessel with fewer available goods and services you can reduce the price of … Continue reading

How Small Temptations Can Ruin Your Budget

Sometimes it’s not the big expenses that shatter your resolve to save money, it is the small temptations that will get you. It is those small temptations that I, personally, most have to guard against. For example, although my husband and I often like to stop at the Apple store and look at the iPads whenever a new one is released, we aren’t in danger of purchasing one any time soon. It just doesn’t make that much sense to spend that much money when our emergency fund isn’t, well, as fully funded as we would like and we still owe … Continue reading

How to Turn Your Resolution to Save Money into a Reality

Make sure that you can turn your resolution to save money into a reality when you put the following steps into place. It isn’t enough just to resolve to be frugal or cut back. You have to make a commitment and then know where to begin and how to keep it going. It takes just 21 days, by conventional wisdom, to turn a resolution into a habit. That means with just a little effort each day for the next three weeks, you can start down a path of a lifetime of saving with the end result being financial solvency. The … Continue reading

Could Your Old Books Make Money? How to Check Book Value

If you have bookshelves full of books you may also have a source of income. Clearing out those books could not only mean a more organized home, but it may also mean less debt or more savings. That is because you can often sell your books for cash. Before you consign them all to a yard sale (where you can still earn some money for the most common books), make sure to check book value. That is because among all of the best sellers and summer reads, you may just find a few books that could make you some real … Continue reading

Can Your Homeschool Blog Earn Money? {Part 2}

In part 1 of, Can Your Homeschool Blog Earn Money?, I covered how to create a blog posts that attract readers.  Creating good content is the first step to creating a quality blog.  I cover this in Blogging Tips and Tricks as well.  Today, I want to cover a few more background areas before discussing opportunities, so hang in there.  When I say profitable with regards to your homeschool, I do not simply mean financially. Let’s start by exploring what makes a good homeschool blog. The competition is fierce.  While you need to be aware of what your competitors are … Continue reading