Cleaning the Freezer

I’ve been thinning the house out again. It’s a sickness, this purging thing I have going on. I can’t stand to own things that are not living up to their full potential. This time, it’s my freezer. I bought the freezer when Hailey was still living at home thinking it would be great extra food storage. Turns out that all we ever kept in there was frozen pizzas and pie crust. Not the most efficient use of the space, or the money spent on the freezer. Now that Hailey is married and in a place of her own, the freezer … Continue reading

What is Freezer Blocking?

I’ve practiced doing freezer blocking for years, although I never did know that there was an actual term for the practice. What is freezer blocking and what can it do for you? Let’s answer that second question first. Freezer blocking can save you money. Freezers work most efficiently when they are packed solid. The more stuff in a freezer, the better insulation it has, which means that it doesn’t have to work as hard to keep your food frozen. This means that you save money on electricity. Freezers work by keeping the air cold. The less air there is, the … Continue reading

Time Savings Tips to Prep Your House for Baby

Getting ready for a baby in your home involves more than just baby-proofing. Sure, locking away dangerous cleaners, protecting electrical outlets and blocking stairs are all good ideas, but you will discover that adding convenience for your sake will help you keep your sanity. Taking care of a baby takes up a lot of time, so anything you can do now that can save you time later will make mommy-hood that much easier. 1. Cut down on the time it takes to clean your hardwood, tile or linoleum floors by investing in a quality steam mop, if you don’t already … Continue reading