What to Do with Your Extra Paycheck in March?

If you get paid weekly then be prepared for an extra paycheck this month. It is the first month of the year in which you will get five paychecks instead of four. Put that paycheck to good us with the following ideas. Most of us in our budgets, plan a budget per month. The monthly budget will contain a set amount of income over four weeks. March, however offers five weeks of paychecks. This means that you can have an extra paycheck this month that might not have been accounted for in your income. Take that extra paycheck and see … Continue reading

Build a List of Service People to Save

When your pipe breaks, do you reach for the first local plumber that you can find? If so, you may be paying more for your services, a lot more. To prevent having to pay top dollar for the services you need, you can build a list of reputable and reasonable service people now, before you need them. This works for service for your home and for your health. First, determine where you would like to keep your list, electronically or in a home binder. Next, figure out the service people that you may need. If you have someone for the … Continue reading

Are You Wasting Money on “I Really Should” Things?

Do you want to save some money this month? Eliminate some of those “I really should” things. Make your money work for you and get practical purpose or pleasure out of every dollar that you spend. By eliminating the “I should” things, you eliminate the waste, allowing you to use that money on the thing that are really important. What are the “I really should” things? These are items that you think you should have or do, but when it comes down to it, you don’t. What do I mean by this? Take a look at some of the more … Continue reading

Watch Out for Fake Collection Call Scams

Beware of fake collection call scams. They will try to separate you from your money in no time. With the current economy, many people are finding that they have to juggle a bunch of bills and may be used to getting calls from collection agencies, or they may have a friend or family member in such a situation. But what if the collection agency isn’t real? If you aren’t careful you could wind up giving your hard earned money to con artists. The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), which was formed from a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation … Continue reading