When You Need a Gratitude Boost

I find that nothing helps keep you on track with your frugal living and getting out of debt than a good bit of gratitude. With a thankful heart, you’ll find yourself with less of a need for spending and more of a motivation for saving and giving. Instead of feeling bad because you don’t have something, you’ll feel happy at all that you do have, including the forethought to live within or below your means. Here, then, are some ways that you can foster gratitude in your life. Swap Out the Negative Negative thoughts can be like potato chips. Once … Continue reading

What Would You Say?

In yesterday’s article, I asked how your weekend was and then told you about mine. I’m going to ask you to think about that question again. How was your weekend? Jade left a comment about what she and her beau did over the weekend. She said leaf peeping and movies, but also something else I thought was very important: “…and generally just enjoyed being together.” I wonder if she made sure to thank her man? I’m asking because yesterday I explained how Wayne did something that salvaged both my mood and the weekend. When I kissed him goodbye yesterday morning, … Continue reading

Thirty Days of Thankfulness

I’m a day late with this one, but I hope you will forgive me anyway, especially since I think the topic is not only important, but participating is actually fun. Maybe you have even heard of it before and have been practicing it yourself. If you haven’t, give it a try. For the last couple of years, my friends and I have made November a month in which we really concentrate on all of the blessings in our lives. Using Facebook, and sometimes email, we post something new each day, something that we are truly grateful for in our lives. … Continue reading